SPOKANE, Wash.—Kristy Hickman is a speech pathologist and her daughter, Genevieve, is studying ballet. After seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts, mother and daughter were in awe of the skill and precision of Shen Yun’s dancers.
“Very skilled. I saw a lot of acrobatics, flips, gymnastics,” Ms. Hickman said.
Ballet incorporates a lot of spinning although the spins are different from classical Chinese dance. Genevieve was impressed with how Shen Yun’s artists were able to execute spins with ease.
“Even in their spins, they still held their body strong. They didn’t flip all around,” Genevieve said.
“I do have to say, especially with the orchestra playing live, my son plays orchestra, and it was very impressive to hear the music timed with the dancers and such accuracy and you know no mistakes in the music with the dancing. It was beautiful,” said Ms. Hickman, who used to play piano.
Shen Yun’s mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. Ms. Hickman shared that she enjoyed seeing Shen Yun’s perspective of goodness and truth.
“We always love learning their perspective. We believe in a divine being. So we love the message to the world of peace and of being able to have your independence to believe what you want. ... So it was good to see that being shared,” she said.