NEWARK, N.J.—Dance and music are often seen as universal languages because of their ability to transcend cultural boundaries. Gregory Thomas, a chiropractor, said that the dance and music performed by Shen Yun Performing Arts helped him better understand and appreciate Chinese culture.
“I think that the arts and dance and music transcend cultures,” said Mr. Thomas, who watched Shen Yun at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center on May 6. “To see that arts is a way to very much appreciate whatever culture it comes from—in this case Chinese—[was] beautiful.”
“Every culture has its own ethnic music, and [it was] very impressive to [hear] Chinese music,” said Mr. Thomas, who added that the erhu solo, accompanied by a pianist, had the ability to transcend all cultures.
Shen Yun ‘A Celebration of Life’

Also in the audience were Joe Hughes, an attorney with his own company, and his wife Pam Hughes, a CFO at her husband’s company.
“I thought that the dancing was flawless,” said Mr. Hughes. “The singing was amazing, and the overall production was incredible.”
“It was just really creative and amazing,” said Mrs. Hughes “I’ve never seen any show like this.”
Mr. Hughes said that he believes it is very significant for Shen Yun to raise awareness around the world about Chinese culture.
When asked what message he got from Shen Yun’s performance, Mr. Hughes said, “It’s a very existential message, it’s a beautiful message: you have to have respect for all living things. We should be good to each other.”“I think it was a celebration of life,” Mr. Hughes added. “You can see the way all the singers and the dancers work together so well; when you work together, you can make something collectively that’s bigger than the individual parts.”
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.