FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.—Viktor Lomeyer, a business owner, watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts’ Au-Rene Theatre on Jan. 4.
“That was a very good experience,” Mr. Lomeyer said. “Very moving, emotionally charging, and a great performance as far as the artists go. I was really flabbergasted with the detail of the hands ... everything as a story completed. Very good, very beautiful.”
Founded in 2006, New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company.
Shen Yun’s performance depicts the spiritual elements of Chinese culture, something that Mr. Lomeyer believes to be very important.
“[The] spiritual element is very important because right now, with changes going on in our daily life, in the planet, in our system, the challenges that we all face only can be overcome with the spiritual element because everything that pertains to connection with the divine helps us to move forward,” Mr. Lomeyer said.
“If we can come together as a human society—we all will be together in the long run. ... We need to look [for the] Creator ... to find our center, and make sure that that center will help us to move forward as humanity.”
Shen Yun’s performance begins with the Creator establishing civilization and ends with the Creator granting salvation. Mr. Lomeyer said that it was important for people to see the Creator being depicted, and for people to be encouraged to look towards the Creator for moral guidance.
“A person who has a connection with God ... will always respond to beauty because morally, everything [is] connected through beauty, through art, through expression,” Mr. Lomeyer said.
“The moral aspect is number one because obviously, a person who responds to the Creator’s call becomes more morally adjusted, more morally centered, more kind, more human, and just simply a good person.”
“I think that we are all sleepers in a way and the higher art, [this] performance, [is an] example of the beauty that will actually awaken [belief in the] Creator in all of us. ... It’s just how each one of us will answer that call.”
Mr. Lomeyer said that the beauty and values found in Shen Yun’s performance can inspire people from all cultural backgrounds.
“Any type of beauty, any type of performance art ... what matters is the way it’s being relayed to people,” he said. “The higher form of art always inspires the good in us because that’s what’s moving us forward.”
He added he felt touched not only by Shen Yun’s visual beauty but also Shen Yun’s spiritual beauty.
“It’s not always just the physical that’s important. Sometimes, more important [is what’s] more spiritual beyond physical.”
“Maybe all of them are of the higher moral standards, a higher moral character, maybe spiritual,” he said. “When you see someone perform in a really outstanding way, it inspires one to become like that in their own way ... to become the best version of themselves.”
Mr. Lomeyer expressed his gratitude to Shen Yun’s artistic director and production team.
“I would like to thank people involved in this show, in this production, because I see the value of this show,” he said. “[It makes] people ... get in touch with the divine. So just keep up the good work, and thank you again. I was really moved.”
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.