DALLAS—Crystal Gomez, a director in the healthcare industry, felt Shen Yun Performing Arts embodied “freedom of expression.”
Ms. Gomez gave high praise to the production’s quality and artistry and took with her a message from the performance she felt profound.
“It’s been very ethereal and beautiful. I’m very impressed by their dancing capabilities and also the storytelling,” said Ms. Gomez at the Music Hall at Fair Park on Jan. 26. “The storytelling is really top tier. I think there’s a clear message and it’s easy to relate to, even from the difference in cultures.”
“It was kind of just a calling back to like, what’s your purpose and where did you come from and why are you here,” she said.
‘A Very Wonderful Experience’
Also delighted by Shen Yun was Efrain Albarran, a real estate investor, who saw the performance with his wife, Brenda, and their granddaughter.He saw in these stories themes of “faith and love” and that “everything is possible with faith in God.”
“That was very special,” he said.
“I love it because he calls everyone, each person, to follow God,” he said, sharing his interpretation. “God is inviting everyone, invites everyone to join and go.”