Shen Yun ‘Depicts the Things That Make Life Beautiful,’ Says Repeat Audience Members

Shen Yun ‘Depicts the Things That Make Life Beautiful,’ Says Repeat Audience Members
Kurt and Elizabeth Grigoleit at the Orpheum Theatre, in Minneapolis on Feb. 25, 2023. (Stacey Tang/The Epoch Times)

MINNEAPOLIS—“It’s fresh and bright and beautiful and it depicts the things that make life beautiful,” said Kurt Grigoleit, engineer, about Shen Yun Performing Arts.

Watching Shen Yun for the third year, Mr. Grigoleit and his wife Elizabeth, registered nurse, attended the matinee performance at the Orpheum Theatre on Feb. 25.

“I never expect to see the same thing so [I’m] just always wondering what it’s going to be … it’s always a surprise!”

Established in New York in 2006, Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yun performs classical Chinese dance, ethnic and folk dances, and story-based dances, with orchestral accompaniment and solo performers.
Every year, Shen Yun produces an all-new program.
Along with myths and legends from ancient times, Shen Yun presents story-based dances portraying the persecution of Falun Dafa, a meditation discipline based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. In 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a persecution campaign against the spiritual practice, which is also called Falun Gong, and adherents have since been subjected to unprecedented imprisonment, torture, and abuse.

“The performance is beautiful … I find it quite stunning,” said Mr. Grigoleit, “and I really appreciate that Shen Yun speaks the truth.”

One dance piece this year depicts the state-orchestrated crime of forced organ harvesting from Falun Dafa prisoners of conscience in China, part of the CCP’s persecution campaign.

“I do like that they are addressing the organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and anyone else that they keep on the side in prisons,” he said. “It’s getting the message across and also very entertaining and beautiful.”

“It’s good that it finishes strong that goodness will prevail,” he added.

Mrs. Grigoleit was also impressed with Shen Yun’s ability to effectively relay the tragedies of the persecution through the platform of music and dance.

“I think many people are visual,” she said,” it always has a bigger impact … [and] leaves a much deeper impression on people than simply words.”

Reporting by Stacey Tang  and Jennifer Schneider.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006. 
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