Shen Yun Delivers the ‘Eternal Human Nature,’ Can Elevate Society, Say Korean Patrons

Shen Yun Delivers the ‘Eternal Human Nature,’ Can Elevate Society, Say Korean Patrons
Mr. Han Heechul, a Professor at Korea University, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the National Theater of Korea in Seoul, South Korea, on Feb. 18, 2023. (Dai Deman/The Epoch Times)

SEOUL, South Korea—“If all Korean people can attend Shen Yun, our South Korea will be improved,” said Mr. Sung Sang-hoon, the president of the Global Defense News, after attending the Performing Arts at the National Theater of Korea on Feb. 18.

Mr. Sung then explained that what he meant by improvement included the nation’s honor, dignity, prestige, and character. He said Shen Yun revealed the fundamental issue that all human beings face now.
“Chinese people used to have a free life in the Mainland. Suddenly, the unnatural Chinese Communist Party (CCP) appeared and suppressed human nature and its longing for freedom,” he said, adding that the CCP brainwashed people to abandon and destroy tradition and culture, which created chaos in society.

“Communism has spread all over the world, which caused Korea and other countries in the world to have the same issues, such as family disintegration and people giving up their traditions,” he said.

Mr. Sung said that after people give up tradition, they don’t respect their marriages anymore, and don’t take care of their parents, siblings, and other family members. Furthermore, they don’t want to shoulder the responsibilities to the country and society.

“Attending Shen Yun today, I was very touched. I couldn’t control my tears,” he said. “I can’t express the feelings with any words.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company, and has a mission to show the beauty and goodness of “China before communism.”
Mr. Sung Sang-hoon, the president of the Global Defense News, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the National Theater of Korea in Seoul, South Korea, on Feb. 18, 2023. (Kim Guk-hwan/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Sung Sang-hoon, the president of the Global Defense News, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the National Theater of Korea in Seoul, South Korea, on Feb. 18, 2023. (Kim Guk-hwan/The Epoch Times)

Mr. Sung said Shen Yun dances are very beautiful, and the most valuable thing Shen Yun delivers is morality, which he saw including loyalty, courage, humanity, and so on. He believed that everybody can learn good values from Shen Yun.

“I hope all our Korean people, including all generals, commanders, and soldiers who serve our country, can attend Shen Yun,” he said. “This is a performance that can free the human nature in us that has been repressed.”

Mr. Sung added the Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and his wife like attending shows, and he'd like to recommend this one to them:  “If they can attend [Shen Yun], our Korean culture will enter a new era,” he said.

For 5,000 years China’s civilization was built on values and virtues from the spiritual teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, virtues like loyalty, propriety, wisdom, justice, and benevolence—values that are universal and shared the world over.

Mr. Han Heechul, a professor at Korea University, shared the same opinion as Mr. Sung. He said: “Shen Yun encourages people to maintain basic humanity,” because he felt “the core value Shen Yun delivers is the eternal human nature.”

Mr. Han worried that many Koreans of the younger generations have forgotten this human nature, becoming selfish and pursuing only pleasure.

“If the young generations can attend Shen Yun, they will understand how important it is to follow basic human codes and principles.”

‘It’s Brilliant’

“When the curtain was first opened, and [the backdrop showed that] the divine beings flew down from heaven, I was shocked. I felt like I had gone back to when the world was first created,” said Mr. Yoo In-sool, a professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital.
He said Shen Yun dancers have great skills and techniques, and they used their movements to tell historical stories, which resonated with his heart.

“Shen Yun visualized these stories through dances. It’s brilliant,” he said. “Moreover, Shen Yun uses very modern technology—a dynamic backdrop, to present the stories. It’s amazing!”

Mr. Yoo said Shen Yun is pleasant to the eyes, ears, and his whole physical being. He felt strong energy from Shen Yun.

“My heart was purified,” he said. “I was very moved by Shen Yun. It showed us what we should pursue in this world … I believe we should live with kindness. This is the basic criteria to be a human.”

Reporting by Epoch Times Staff in Seoul, South Korea.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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