Shen Yun Dancers ‘Very Graceful and Highly Talented’

Shen Yun Dancers ‘Very Graceful and Highly Talented’
Paul Francis was amazed at a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Empire Theatre, Toowoomba, Queensland, on Jan. 18, 2018. (Mary Yuan/The Epoch Times)

“It’s amazing, very, fantastic. Very graceful and highly talented and very colourful and costumes were fantastic and interesting story. So very good, very pleased I came.”

“Cultures that have a couple of thousand years of history is very fascinating. So, it’s nice to see a fantastic show and also learn a little bit about the culture and history and that as well at the same time.”

“It’s great to see their [Chinese] traditional culture is being maintained and kept alive, despite obviously some of the challenges from the country where it originates from [communism].”

“The music is really interesting particularly the soprano. The lyrics is really about the challenge between the culture and the religion and the beliefs and trying to keep that alive.”

“I’ll be saying to people it’s very colourful, it really makes you think, the performers are amazing, so there’s a lot to enjoy about it for sure.”

“I found it all moving ... it’s all powerful.”

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