Shen Yun Concludes Its Florida Tour in West Palm Beach

Shen Yun Concludes Its Florida Tour in West Palm Beach
Kristin Calder, CEO of the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County, a nonprofit organization, described her experience of Shen Yun: “It’s interesting, intriguing, beautiful, relaxing—a breathtaking experience. It transports you to another place. It really is magical. I was really happy to get here to see it.” Ms. Calder, along with her mother, mother-in-law, and daughter, saw Shen Yun perform at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts on April 22. (Courtesy of NTD Television)

This week, Shen Yun Performing Arts completed the Florida leg of its 2015 world tour, with 22 performances in nine cities across the state.

The beauty and pageantry of a performance—the uplifting themes of story-based dances, gorgeous costumes and digital backdrops, an orchestra that blends East and West, the athleticism of the dancers, and the spirit of compassion—take audience members to another world, one that they often describe as magical.

This is a sample of audience members’ comments from the April 22 performance at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach.

Don Moores and Rina Delaplane. (Courtesy of NTD Television)
Don Moores and Rina Delaplane. (Courtesy of NTD Television)

Don Moores and Rina Delaplane, radio host for the health show “Your Common Sense Coach,” were impressed by Shen Yun’s performance: “Absolutely magical—the art and discipline behind it,” Ms. Delaplane said. “It was fabulous. Amazing work, amazing work. I’m delighted, pleased. Everybody should come and see it.”

“It was just totally outstanding,” Mr. Moores said. They attended the April 22 performance in West Palm Beach.

Debra and Michael Bornstein. (Jada Yeung/Epoch Times)
Debra and Michael Bornstein. (Jada Yeung/Epoch Times)

Michael Bornstein, city manager of Lake Worth, Fla., attended the April 22 performance with his wife, Debra Bornstein. “I loved the visual—the colors and the movement—it’s phenomenal!” he said. “It’s very colorful, very vibrant, love the stories, and the music’s great, too. It’s very expressive, very upbeat.”

Mrs. Bornstein said: “The compassion really struck me. I really like the story they told about compassion. It was very touching,” she said of the dance The Power of Compassion.

Linda and Leo Breault. (Courtesy of NTD Television)
Linda and Leo Breault. (Courtesy of NTD Television)

“This is a very special evening for both of us,” said Leo Breault, who was accompanied by his wife, Linda, at the April 22 performance. “It’s marvelous,” he said of the performance. “The music has been terrific. The dancers are really exciting.”

“It was spectacular,” Mrs. Breault said. “This is far beyond what I expected. The choreography is amazing. The athleticism of the dancers—it’s unbelievable. The traditional dance is so meaningful. [It’s] what China used to be.”

Reporting by NTD Television and Jada Yeung 

 New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform around the world. For more information, visit

Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reaction since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006