Shen Yun Cannot Be Described In Mere Words

Shen Yun Cannot Be Described In Mere Words

“I have the greatest admiration, deepest respect and true happiness from watching this show. For me, the Chinese people are highly skilled and gifted and bring to the world artistic merits and grace.”

“This performance bordered on the divine and deeply touched my soul. Watching the show was just like a dream.”

“The energy exuded by the dancers touched me deeply. Beauty and the arts touch the soul, and that is what happened to me tonight. It is an open secret that such a show cannot be described by mere words.”

“The youth of the performers impressed me. Especially since these young people are reviving a thousand year old culture and bring it into our time, our world—this is fantastic, this is of great value.”

“Watching the Shen Yun show is a once in a life-time experience at the highest level. It was a raving success, done with the highest perfection and accompanied by an excellent orchestra.”

“This show allowed the audience to forget the day to day problems for the moment and immerse into the world of art.”

“The dancers were like butterflies. They were exquisite and brought happiness to the soul. I’m sure that there is so much that will arise in one’s mind over time and have an effect on the mind. It was so much to absorb.”

“This show is just what our world, our society needs.”


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