Shen Yun Calls Us ‘Back to the Roots With True Things,’ Says Engineer
Gino Bismara, an engineer, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts in Lyon, France, Feb. 8, 2023. NTD
LYON, France—From February 4 to 9, the City of Light vibrated to the sounds of traditional China: Shen Yun Performing Arts is back in France.
On Feb. 8, hundreds of people embarked on a marvelous journey through time and space: from their seats at Lyon’s Amphitheatre 3000, they were able to admire the landscapes of ancestral China while laughing, marveling, or even crying for some, at the stories told by the famous classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yun brings back to life the tales, the myths, the ethnic groups that populated the Middle Kingdom, as well as the dynasties that followed, bringing with them a new culture.
Gino Bismara is a construction engineer who has created his own company for the integration and support of people in difficulty.
Many elements of Shen Yun were a source of emotion and inspiration for him: “The colors, the headdresses, the costumes ... everything is there! And then the perfection of the dancers ... and the choreographers, of course! And also the orchestra, which I also often watch, which is fantastic.”
This engineer could feel “a lot of feelings” as well as “a mixture of fascination,” because, he explained, Shen Yun “touches us because we feel that it is lived and that it speaks.”
The show was, for him, carrying a message.
“The truth, in fact ... the message where there are people who aspire to a lot of tranquility and others to a little less ... And it’s always a bit the same fight ... And it’s a bit of a shame,” said Mr. Bismara.
A believer, Mr. Bismara also experienced the feeling, within the performance, a “connection with the divine.”
“It’s fantastic! I’m a believer, my wife is, too. So, it speaks to us ... it transports us,” he said. “And above all, it brings joy to our hearts, in fact. Because, somewhere, we are not the only ones who believe.”
Mr. Bismara believed that Shen Yun constitutes “a return to the roots.”
“Back to the roots with true things ... with what we call sincerity ... and I would say, a little less serious!” he said.
Michel Barbier, a former engineer in the commercial field, came to see Shen Yun, in Lyon, on Feb. 8, 2023. NTD
Michel Barbier a former sales engineer, now retired, was also in attendance that Wednesday.
“This show is absolutely extraordinary ... really extraordinary!” he said. “I must admit that I was amazed by all these dancers ... by the costumes ... by this combination between the screen with films, projections, then the dance itself! I found it absolutely extraordinary.”
He was also sensitive to the messages conveyed during Shen Yun’s dance tableaux.
He felt they were spiritual in nature, and brave in its stance for traditional culture even in the face of “a certain number of modern beliefs that distance us, as it is said, from the Creator,” he said.
“Here, it is for all these reasons that I really found this show absolutely original and remarkable!”