Shen Yun Brings World a Special Message, Says Columnist

Shen Yun Brings World a Special Message, Says Columnist
Douglas and Leela MacKinnon enjoyed Shen Yun at the Venice Performing Arts Center in Venice, Florida, on Jan. 25, 2025. Nancy Ma/The Epoch Times

VENICE, Fla.—Douglas and Leela MacKinnon saw Shen Yun Performing Arts for the first time at the Venice Performing Arts Center on Jan. 25 and felt the show brought beauty and a much-needed message to the audience.

“I thought it was excellent, spectacular. I like the performers, but I like the message too,” said Mr. MacKinnon, a consultant and columnist. “I thought it was very special.”

“I loved it. It was beautiful. They’re so talented,” said Mrs. MacKinnon, a retired computer analyst. “I did feel the energy. Very positive, very spiritual. And it was just beautiful, just beautiful.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, with a mission to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, or “China before communism.”
The traditional Chinese culture that Shen Yun seeks to revive is a divinely inspired culture, and Mr. MacKinnon felt in the performance an uplifting and spiritual message.

“The message that we all have to be good to each other,” he said. He added that it was a message about traditional values and finding meaning in more than the material world, that goodness is connected to the path to heaven. The effect of this traditional culture exemplified in art was a peaceful one, according to Mr. MacKinnon.

“I think ultimately it brings people inner peace, right?” he said. “It brings them conviction, it shows them a better way, it shows them that again being grounded in spirituality means something, and ultimately, that will be the ultimate reward in life. So, it’s you know and so spreading this message around the world is a very positive thing.”

Mr. MacKinnon said he felt positive energy from the performance himself.

“I saw the energy for sure, without a doubt. I could feel it,” he said. “It was something very positive, that it was very special to be in the audience watching this show because, again, I know it speaks to a higher glory, ultimately.”

Mr. MacKinnon noted that Shen Yun was at the same time spreading a message that this traditional culture has been all but wiped out by the Chinese communist regime, but doing so through art that speaks to the world.

“This is a wonderful way to spread the message with entertainment but also with spirituality, and you’re opening a lot of eyes around the world with your message,” he said.

“People are losing their faith all over the world, and this show reinforces faith, and it reinforces goodness, and it reminds people that repression is happening in the world, especially in China, so it’s a great message to have, and it’s a very positive experience,” he said, adding that the way the heavenly scenes were brought to life “was really spectacular.”

Knowing that Shen Yun produces an all-new program each year, the MacKinnons said they wanted to see it again.

“It was beautiful, it was very special ... and I can’t wait for next year’s version,” Mr. KacKinnon said.

“It was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t believe the talent of the performers. I cannot believe their energy. And I believe ultimately they were the most talented performers I’ve ever seen,” he said.

Reporting by Nancy Ma and Catherine Yang.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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