Shen Yun Brings Us Spiritual Ambiance, Former Miss Vietnam Says

Shen Yun Brings Us Spiritual Ambiance, Former Miss Vietnam Says
Former Miss Vietnam Ngoc Han enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at Taichung City Chung Shan Hall, Taiwan, on March 21, 2018. Dai Deman/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff

“I’ve long heard of Shen Yun’s popularity, and I am delighted to see it in person today.”

“Those graceful dances along with the flawless music bring to me, and to other audience members, a fantastic feeling.”

“I think the entire show is full of artistic and humanitarian values. It also brings us spiritual ambiance as well as traditional value, and reminds us that we need to pursue the values of truthfulness, compassion and beauty if we want to be better off.”

“This is an insightful artistic performance. It makes me feel a sense of secureness and ease. It also makes me long for a peaceful and simple life.”


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