Shen Yun Brings Together the Past and the Present

Shen Yun Brings Together the Past and the Present
Dr. Fathey Balaom, a dentist, attended the Shen Yun performance at the Musical Theater Bremen on April 13, 2018. NTD Television

“Shen Yun was exceptional and just outstanding. It was far beyond my expectations. This show was a rarity, and one is lucky to have come across it.”

“The show was very colorful. It was fascinating to observe the movement of all these colors, the exactness in the performance, and the perfectness.”

“I understand that these performers are reviving something that was nearly lost. This is very good. They did their best to make the people realize that this was something unusual.”

“What was of value is that the performance was of the past and the present and was brought together exceptionally well. That is an excellent move on the part of the artists—bringing together the renaissance that is the past and the present. It was nostalgic in some respects and also very realistic in other respects.”

“The artists told the people about peace and not to live only within the modern confines. One should not forget the past no matter what one is exposed to. This will bring value to one’s life.”


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