Shen Yun Brings Peace, Inspires VP to Be Fully Present

Shen Yun Brings Peace, Inspires VP to Be Fully Present
Johens Ubiera and Cassandra Fischer enjoyed Shen Yun at the Youkey Theatre in Lakeland, Florida, on Jan. 14, 2025. The Epoch Times
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LAKELAND, Fla.—Johens Ubiera and Cassandra Fischer said they experienced beauty on several levels in Shen Yun Performing Arts, inspiring the business professionals to want to see the performance again next season.

“It was exquisite,” said Ms. Fischer, a vice president of marketing and business development. “It was beautiful. It’s so beautiful.”

“It was executed beautifully and masterfully,” said Mr. Ubiera, head of an advertising agency.

Mr. Ubiera and Ms. Fischer attended the opening night performance at Youkey Theatre in Lakeland, Florida, on Jan. 14, and the artists of Shen Yun left a deep impression on the pair.
New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, with a mission to share with the world a performance of China before communism.

For 5,000 years, traditional Chinese culture was believed to be divinely inspired; the civilization was deeply spiritual, with the idea of spiritual self-betterment a key practice of all of society.

Shen Yun artists believe the same, and the program book introduces the meditation practice of Falun Gong, which the artists adhere to, following the three principles of truth, compassion, and forbearance in their daily lives.

“That’s a beautiful message,” Mr. Ubiera said. “We’re talking about focusing on the path ahead of you, focusing on the divine, elevating your consciousness through meditation and prayer. I think that’s a common thread woven through a lot of spiritual practices in general globally.”

“And that’s something I think is just beautiful to know. Meditation and prayer—I think that’s a very, very strong thing,” he added.

He said he felt that the artists did what they did with honor and that noble presence instilled peace in the audience.

“Like you’re performing with honor, you’re performing with passion, you’re performing with presence,” he said. “So whenever you see somebody performing in a masterful way that draws you into the narrative, instills you as you’re watching, it always brings peace.”

“Especially like in this show, this was a masterful piece,” he said. “It was very peaceful, very enjoyable to watch.”

Ms. Fischer agreed and said she felt peace during the performance, even when the scene might have been a tense one.

“I felt calm ... felt peaceful and calm,” she said.

“I think it was beautiful. And I felt it inspires me to be more present. I felt like there’s so much creativity and there’s so much beauty. And you can tell with the dancers, they’re being fully present,” Ms. Fischer said.

Mr. Ubiera said the musicians certainly contributed to the immersive feeling of the performance.

“Oh, it was transportive,” he said. “ I wanted to hear and feel the music, which is why I came to this one so I could hear the music authentically. It’s relaxing, it’s peaceful, it really elevates the show to another level.”

Reporting by Xinxin Teng and Catherine Yang.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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