AALBORG, Denmark—When people of all ages and backgrounds come together at Shen Yun Performing Arts they take away different kinds of positives from the experience. Leon Raydon who works for a visual effect company called Ghost, which provides visual effects for commercials and movies, found the combination of backdrops with the choreography impressive.
Based in New York, Shen Yun presents classical Chinese dance and music. With its story-based dances, vocalists, an orchestra that combines classical Western and traditional Chinese instruments, and animated backdrops creating unique effects, Shen Yun tours the globe each year, reviving China’s culture.
Shen Yun vocalists use the bel canto technique for singing, Mrs. Raydon thought the vocalists’ songs were spiritual.“I am originally from Bulgaria. I think there was something for every person. The song choice, I think it was more connected with your culture because it was like spiritual-based. It makes you think we should go back to what it was before, to—the good things in life, and not pay so much attention to money, and to success—its the values that are more important than these,” she said.
Mr. Raydon took note of the translation of the songs were provided on the backdrop.
“In the song, [the soprano] was singing that success and fame are just moments’ bliss, and that is exactly what it is. Work is not everything—try to meet people, speak with them, live with them, enjoy food with them, sing with them, dance with them. That is how I interpret it, and I think that’s beautiful,” he said.
“These positive impulses, you are just blown away. And the smiles, the smiling, they really—it hits,” Mr. Raydon shared.
He appreciated the combination of beautiful music and athletic dancers providing an environment of great energy.
“Here, the solo dances are, it feels like it’s integrated in the whole, and that makes it extremely powerful, and beautiful. So it is perceived as a whole.”
Shen Yun Displays ‘Courage and Kindness’

For Veleda, a university student at the University of Ober, it was her first time watching Shen Yun.
“It was really beautiful and exciting and emotional, and so much experience in one moment, you know, it went by much too quickly. I would watch it 10 more times if I could,” she said.
Shen Yun portrays stories through classical Chinese dance, accompanied by an orchestra comprised of Eastern and Western instruments.
Among the drama pieces, Veleda enjoyed the humor in some.“There were a couple of like, funny stories, but they still had like a deeper meaning, you know, so they were like, really entertaining. But still, you know that there was like more behind it. ... Also, the songs had really powerful messages behind them, which was really inspiring. So I enjoyed the whole thing.”
Her takeaway from her Shen Yun experience?
“Sometimes you forget to just be kind and ... also patient with others. It’s all about rushing around in the world nowadays. And sometimes it’s good to just stand still for a moment, she said.”
Designer, ‘Colors Emotionally Touched Me’

She found the performance, and its many aspects, moving.
“The colors did touch me emotionally. And also the grace they could express in those costumes. That touched me too,” she explained.“Because the color combinations are very vivid and strong. But the design makes it so smooth and gentle to move in. And that’s a unique combination. Often you see a very pretty dress, but it’s not so comfortable,” she said.
“And here, you could see the people dance and jump and do every move they wanted. And still, the clothes were telling their own story with just such grace. So I’m really inspired by that.”
“Also the background helped you to understand the colors of a specific area or the explanation helps you also to understand: okay, this is about the water or the heaven, and the colors matched with the story. Absolutely. And made it even, yes, speak stronger to you,” she commented.
Ms. Hoogewoonink summed up her takeaway from Shen Yun.
“Overwhelming joy. Absolutely. (It) was heavenly, it’s a beauty for the eye. But it’s also beauty for the soul. Because it comes from a real, authentic source,” she said.