“It was very, very, very beautiful, and it was a good message at the time that we are living in right now,” said Ms. Echevarria, attorney and CEO of a law firm, after seeing the performance at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami.
“We’re living in such difficult times so it does bring us back to sort of remember what really is important: kindness, love, God, the divine, and trying to kind of like ascend as opposed to descend,” she said.
“It was beautiful. It was amazing,” said Ms. Echevarria. “It was very educational. And it was magnificent.”
Ms. Dominguez felt the traditional Chinese culture she saw was universal, and that the performance brought out the parallels between Eastern and Western traditional cultures.
“You almost felt like you were in one world,” she said. She said it was as if the two cultures were in sync, the same way the dancers, music, and animated backdrop coordinated seamlessly in synchrony.
“The movement and the dance is amazing. Breathtaking,” she said. “It was very emotional is what it was, and so it was beautiful, absolutely. And the way they moved, it was all in sync. You could tell the professionalism and the technique that went in, the hard work. The orchestra—amazing.”
“It took our breath away. Definitely amazing,” said Ms. Dominguez, manager of a law firm.
“In the form of the art, they express how humans suffer and how the divine and the spiritual world come to our rescue just to teach us, to allow us to live, but they also teach us and help us in growing,” said Ms. Echevarria.
“It glorifies the spirit,” she said.
Ms. Dominguez said she also saw in Shen Yun a lesson of persistence and message of love.
“The persistence of spiritual practice,” she added. “I think it’s very important, and also I think it also gives a message of maybe really looking around to notice that potentially the divine is already here within us and that we are within potentially a new world order hopefully.”
“Love is going to be the most important thing, and kindness, and seeking the best version of ourselves and looking into the divine nature of ourselves and others,” she said.
“There’s a lot of common ground with all of us. I think that it is clear that at this time of the world, with everything that we are facing, all of the potential negativity that we’re facing, that’s the only way out of it is through enlightenment and through trying to find the best way to connect with our creator for the good of mankind,” Ms. Dominguez said.