Shen Yun Breaks Through Language Barriers, Says Former TV Presenter

PERTH, Australia—Lisa Fernandez, a lawyer and former TV presenter for Channel Nine, commended the way that Shen Yun adopts artistic means to convey its message, saying it was “really, really clever.”
Ms. Fernandez, who watched Shen Yun at His Majesty’s Theatre in Perth, the capital city of Western Australia, noted that the classical Chinese performance arts company is delivering a “really important message” about the revival of Chinese culture prior to communism, and the ongoing religious persecution in modern day China.

“[I]t just shows that language is not a barrier, and everyone does understand the message through dance, through art,” she said.

“I think that’s amazing even for the younger generation who may not understand—but it’s going to encourage them to go and find out about wider world issues.”

Shen Yun’s performance depicts folk and ethnic dances, classical Chinese dances, story-based dances about ancient Chinese fables, as well as issues in modern-day China. It also includes a world-class orchestra that blends Eastern and Western instruments.

The New York-based company, established in 2006 by a group of elite Chinese artists, seeks to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilisation, which was almost lost under the communist regime.

“I think it’s wonderful that they care so passionately about that,” Ms. Fernandez remarked.

“It gives us food for thought to really appreciate what they’re trying to do and what they’re trying to revive. You have a much greater understanding and also a respect for what they’re trying to do.”

“That was excellent because you learn a bit more about the different cultures and I do like the message about the religious groups that are being persecuted in China.”
The former TV presenter was also astounded by the Shen Yun dancers’ skills, calling them “phenomenal” and extraordinary.”

“And the timing, they’re all impeccably in time, like not one bit, even when they’re doing the big jumps and everything like that. So we are literally speechless.”

“I’ve never seen anything so amazing.

“Amazing, breathtaking, colourful, just loved it.”

Reporting by NTD and Nina Nguyen.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006. 


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