Shen Yun Begins Taiwan Tour With Full-House Performance

Shen Yun Begins Taiwan Tour With Full-House Performance
Shen Yun Performing Arts’ opens their 2023 season in Miaoli, Taiwan, at the Miaobei Art Center on Feb. 24. Annie Gong/The Epoch Times
MIAOLI, Taiwan—With the reverberating sound of the gong, the curtains opened on Shen Yun Performing Arts’ first performance of their 2023 season in Miaoli, Taiwan, at the Miaobei Art Center on Feb. 24.

The audience included those who had traveled from Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore and Vietnam. In fact, 200 people had flown from Vietnam just to see Shen Yun’s performance. At the end of the performance, two curtain calls were met with a standing ovation and thundering applause.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company, and has long had devoted fans in Taiwan, evidenced by the fact that the tickets to the performances in Miaoli were sold out by early February, and tickets for the Kaohsiung and Changhua performances are now hard to come by. Dignitaries from nearby cities and counties sent flowers to wish Shen Yun successful performances.

Fifth Performance

“I am stunned every time I see Shen Yun,” said politician Hsu Ting-chen, who was seeing Shen Yun for the fifth time. “It enriches my heart and soul every time.”
“Besides teaching loyalty and piety, [Shen Yun] also presents a traditional culture that has a strong sense of moral integrity and justice,” said Mr. Hsu. “I hope that the performance will be able to be seen in China, and that more Chinese people will know about it.”
Mr. Hsu said he thought it very important that Shen Yun included Falun Dafa’s persecution in its program. These spiritual cultivators live by the principles of truth, compassion, and tolerance—and for this they are persecuted severely by the Chinese Communist Party.
Hsu Ting-chen enjoyed seeing Shen Yun for the fifth time, on Feb. 24, 2023. (Annie Gong/The Epoch Times)
Hsu Ting-chen enjoyed seeing Shen Yun for the fifth time, on Feb. 24, 2023. Annie Gong/The Epoch Times

“There are many pieces of evidence that the live organ harvesting depicted in the modern-day piece is true,” he said. “I’m sure it is still ongoing. The Chinese Communist Party is evil, and does unimaginable things, one more vile than the next.”

Mr. Hsu believes that “the evil government is something we have to fight against together. If nobody says anything, that equates to allowing their existence as a threat to humankind.”

“Take Shen Yun as an example. In addition to allowing more people to admire the beauty of classical Chinese dance, it is also a voice for justice.”
“There are currently whispers of war spreading,” said Mr. Hsu. “We must wake up and realize that it would be too late for regret if we were to fall under communist rule one day. That is why I appeal to my democratic compatriots to be a voice for justice and stand together!

Trip From Vietnam

Vietnamese jewelry designer LONG flew from Vietnam to Taiwan just to see Shen Yun. He had seen Shen Yun in Canada once when he was 15, and was very touched after seeing it again.

“I think I am very fortunate,” said LONG. “I am deeply touched.”

Vietnamese jewelry designer LONG (R) and his brother enjoyed Shen Yun in Miaoli on Feb. 24, 2023. (Chen Yuyan/The Epoch Times)
Vietnamese jewelry designer LONG (R) and his brother enjoyed Shen Yun in Miaoli on Feb. 24, 2023. Chen Yuyan/The Epoch Times

LONG said that he was moved to tears by the faith of Falun Dafa practitioners presented on stage. He said that he was thankful toward his mother, who had encouraged him to see the performance.

“Humankind needs faith and religion to live righteously,” said LONG. “This performance is the best way for the world to learn the truth about Falun Dafa. The traditional culture, dance, and meaning behind the story come together perfectly.”
“People need to be united, and a righteous faith is the only way to unite humankind,” said LONG.

‘It Truly Took My Breath Away’: Influencer 

Ho Chih-ning, a well-known influencer in Hsinchu, praised Shen Yun for being indescribably beautiful.

“It truly took my breath away,” she said. “The music sounded so natural; it didn’t sound like it was forcibly trying to match the story, which really made it part of the story itself.”

“That they have new choreography and new music every years shows how much heart they’ve put into it,” said Ms. Ho.

Ms. Ho also praised the erhu solo. An erhu is a traditional Chinese two-stringed instrument. “I listened to [the solo] with my eyes closed. I wanted to allow my ears to truly experience the erhu’s music.”
Ho Chih-ning enjoyed Shen Yun's opening performance in Taiwan on Feb. 24, 2023. (Annie Gong/The Epoch Times)
Ho Chih-ning enjoyed Shen Yun's opening performance in Taiwan on Feb. 24, 2023. Annie Gong/The Epoch Times
As someone with considerable online influence, Ms. Ho said “I think we humans are like traditional culture—the kindness must be preserved and passed on. We must serve people with sincerity, and a lot of things must be tolerated and accepted with an open heart.”

Hopes for Shen Yun to Perform in Singapore 

Chang Hui-ju, the general manager of the Taiwanese branch of a marketing company, is from Singapore. She was invited by friend Lin Chin-wen to see Shen Yun. After seeing the performance for the first time, she said expressed her hopes for Shen Yun to perform in Singapore.

Mr. Lin was both surprised and delighted by the way Shen Yun portrayed the truth about the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of followers of Falun Dafa—a spiritual practice that teaches the principles of truthfulness, compassion, tolerance—in one of its story dances set in the modern day.

“The performance was very bold to present certain sensitive topics to the audience. I am not from mainland China and can sometimes see news about China overseas. I did not expect Shen Yun to present the truth with such passion!”

“I hope that more people can take interest and learn about these things through this performance,” added Ms. Chang. “Every country is entitled to freedom of religion. Shen Yun can inspire people to search for the truth and things they did not know before, such as Falun Dafa’s persecution.”

Ms. Chang explained that she and Mr. Lin were Christians. “As Christians, we are open to a lot of things, and should have free and democratic mindsets.”

“In every religion, hope lies in the self,” said Ms. Chang. “We see a lot of stories like these overseas, and believe that [Mainland] Chinese people are being oppressed. That is also why we came to support [Shen Yun].”

“People have spoken highly of this performance, so we came especially to see it. For years, we didn’t have the opportunity, because there weren’t performances in Singapore.” Pointing to Mr. Lin, Ms. Chang explained that he would be returning to Singapore soon, so they travelled from Taipei to see the performance.

“It was actually pretty difficult for me to get tickets,” said Ms. Chang. “I was very lucky to be able to buy tickets here in Miaoli. It’s a full-house performance, so I think [Shen Yun] must be very influential here. Just the first half of the performance has been excellent. There are a lot of difficult techniques, and the performance presents the cultures. The costumes and design of the stage, as well as the animated backdrop are all wonderful.”

“Even if you’ve never seen classical Chinese dance, there are stories that the audience can understand.” Ms. Chang praised Shen Yun for spreading cultural values. She said that the performance “allows other countries to learn about Chinese culture. This is a great way to learn about culture.”

“Compared with other theatre performances, Shen Yun has balanced traditional culture with humor.” Ms Ho recommended the performance for young people, saying, “Come experience it for yourself at the theatre. This is a very great performance!”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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