Shen Yun ‘Beautiful, Powerful, It’s Full of Emotions,’ Says Raleigh Theatergoer

Shen Yun ‘Beautiful, Powerful, It’s Full of Emotions,’ Says Raleigh Theatergoer
Jim and Michelle Episale attended Shen Yun Performing Arts on Sunday, Jan. 22, at the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts, at Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. NTD
RALEIGH, N.C.—Jim and Michelle Episale enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts on Sunday, Jan. 22, at the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts, at Raleigh Memorial Auditorium.

Mr. Episale, a data architect for IBM, and Mrs. Episale, an elementary instructional assistant, enjoyed their first time seeing Shen Yun. Mr. Episale said, “It’s very beautiful, powerful. It’s full of emotions, so it’s alive.”

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts was founded in 2006 by a group of leading Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of China’s ruling communist party. Following the regime’s violent takeover in 1949, Chinese traditional culture underwent a period of mass destruction.
Through classical Chinese dance, Shen Yun tells stories from ancient times to the modern day.

Mrs. Episale thought some of the stories were “really tough and [yet] fantastic to watch. Every story, every dance is such a different emotion.”

She said there were moments when it was difficult to get into the next dance, “because I still felt that power and that sadness of the previous number.”

Mr. Episale said, “It’s kind of like a rollercoaster ride. How they displayed [the stories] is very, very beautiful—immerses you in the actual scene.”

He said the classical Chinese dance was “very freeing, and open and airy. Very celestial.”

Mrs. Episale liked how each performance was portrayed: “I think it’s just very, very educational. And we don’t get to experience that very often. So this is a wonderful opportunity to put that in front of us so that we can what it was like.”

Reporting by NTD and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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