Shen Yun ‘Amazing, Very Elegant, and Beautiful,’ Says CIO

Shen Yun ‘Amazing, Very Elegant, and Beautiful,’ Says CIO
Jack Story, his daughter, Hailey,, and his sister, Shannon, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Marion Oliver McCaw Hall, in Seattle, Wash., on April 2, 2023. Mary Zhang/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

SEATTLE—Jack Story, his daughter Hailey, and his sister Shannon had seen many performances at the Marion Oliver McCaw Hall, but April 2 was their first time seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts.

“It’s absolutely amazing—very elegant and beautiful,” said Mr. Story, a chief information officer.

Mr. Story said Shen Yun was a performance he would “absolutely, highly recommend.”

“I’m really enjoying it—spectacular performance,” Ms. Shannon Story said. “The dancing, the gentleman that was singing—was unbelievable. It’s been a great experience, and we’re only at intermission—I can’t wait for the rest of it.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, and its productions include a number of other unique artistic facets as well. Accompanying the dancers is a live orchestra harmoniously blending the sounds and instruments of the East and West, Shen Yun’s patented animated backdrop technology, and musical solos by bel canto virtuosos.

“The dance and the message that you get, even though we don’t speak the language, it still tells the story through movement and the music. So you still feel the same emotion, even though there’s no language being spoken ... it’s beautiful,” Mr. Story said.

He felt there was much shown that was universal, such as the beliefs permeating the traditional culture.

“It goes to show you across all cultures, all races, that there are people who believe in a higher spirit, regardless of culture and race,” he said.

While Shen Yun is welcomed in venues around the world, it cannot perform in China, where the Chinese Communist Party has sought to destroy traditional culture, as many audience members learn at the performance.

“It’s sad to hear that you can’t have these kind of performances actually in China, but I actually think it’s great. I think all countries and cultures should be able to see the history of how their culture was defined,” Mr. Story said.

Reporting by Mary Zhang. 
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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