Shen Yun Amazing, ‘Impeccable,’ and Revives China’s ‘Original Culture,’ Says Sales Director

Shen Yun Amazing, ‘Impeccable,’ and Revives China’s ‘Original Culture,’ Says Sales Director
Lori Boatn and Jerry Newray enjoyed Shen Yun at the San Diego Civic Theatre the evening of April 22, 2023. Linda Jiang/The Epoch Times

SAN DIEGO—Long, fresh green trails of silk bloomed in the air with each movement of the dancers’ arms in vignette from the 2023 production of Shen Yun Performing Arts. The “water sleeves” dance piece left a lasting impression on Jerry Newray, a sales director, who saw the performance on April 22 with Lori Boatn.

“Athletic, they’re all athletic. It’s amazing,” said Mr. Newray at the San Diego Civic Theatre. “The timing is amazing ... it was impeccable. That’s a lot of practice.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, and has been credited with the revival of this ancient art form.
Mr. Newray said he’s spent a lot of time in China and had an interest in the culture, and was glad to see Shen Yun live up to its mission of reviving the traditional Chinese culture.

“What I like about this is that there are so many people from China that live here in the States, they’re younger, they don’t get to see the original culture,” he said, but now Shen Yun was keeping that culture alive for them.

“It’s beautiful. It really is. It’s good to see the original culture. It’s still alive.”

Ms. Boatn added her support for Shen Yun’s mission as well.

“To bring back the original culture and values—and it’s gotten away from it—to help those that are there that want that back, I think it’s beautiful,” she said.

“I love the message,” she said. “Like the tenor singer was singing about bringing everybody back to a heavenly place, back to where they originated.”
“I love the message that they’re putting out,” Ms. Boatn said. She said she understood that Shen Yun cannnot perform in China today, because the message of traditional culture was not one that the ruling communist regime would allow, “so we’re grateful to have it. And I hope it gets spread.”
Reporting by Linda Jiang.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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