Shen Yun Amazing Down to the Smallest Details, Says Marketing CEO

Shen Yun Amazing Down to the Smallest Details, Says Marketing CEO
Kathy Naimark enjoyed Shen Yun in Tel Aviv, Israel on April 13, 2023. Karen Zrhien/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom
TEL AVIV, Israel—Kathy Naimark, owner of a digital marketing business, was full of praise for Shen Yun Performing Arts after seeing it with her sister on April 13.
“Amazing, so much invested. We just came out and talked about how in terms of performances and shows in general in Israel, it was truly an amazing show,” she said. “Wow, really, down to the smallest details. The costumes, their dresses, the story, the translation from the guy who translates it from Chinese to Hebrew. Just everything was at a very high level.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company and has, since its inception in 2006, put on an all-new production each touring season.

Ms. Naimark attended the performance with high expectations after seeing a Shen Yun video and said she was impressed with every moment.

“I would say that anyone who really wants to experience an unforgettable experience is definitely worth going. It’s worth every moment and every penny.”

“The orchestra, first of all, it was a wow at the beginning,” she said. “But also all their costumes, everything was very colorful and really to the level, down to the smallest details, even the expressions on their faces. They really succeed in conveying the message. It’s really amazing ... [the costuming] was very realistic. A bombshell.”

Ms. Naimark said the dance was very expressive, in some parts even moving her to tears.

“In my opinion, they induce exactly the feeling they want to convey,” she said. “It was very emotional. I mean that they really succeed in conveying the message, the energies.”

Reporting by Karen Zrhien.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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