Shen Yun ‘A Very Gorgeous Show,’ Says CEO

Shen Yun ‘A Very Gorgeous Show,’ Says CEO

“It was a very gorgeous show, very beautiful, beautiful music, beautiful colors, beautiful dancing. It was very exciting to watch all the performers and the music was fantastic, it was very beautiful music. The soprano was great, I loved her voice, it was almost unreal.”

“I also know about Falun Dafa, and that’s one of the reasons why I came here. I know about Falun Dafa and so I said let me come and have a look and see what they do. I like and support Falun Dafa very much.”

“I learned that the culture supports beauty and history; we can see a lot of history in the show. And also it supports a lot of love and friendship.”

“I am from India and we have a very common culture, 5000 years of civilization, so I appreciate culture that lasts thousands of years. So I really like this visit.”

“It is a very good opportunity for most Americans to get to know the real culture of China. And the more you know about other cultures, the closer you become and you become good friends.”


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