San Diego Officials Welcome Shen Yun for Bringing ‘Message of Hope That Disperses Darkness’

San Diego Officials Welcome Shen Yun for Bringing ‘Message of Hope That Disperses Darkness’
Shen Yun Performing Arts' curtain call at the San Diego Civic Theater, on Jan. 26, 2020. The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

For the 16th consecutive year, Shen Yun Performing Arts will perform at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido in northern San Diego County. In anticipation of Shen Yun’s arrival, greater San Diego area officials of the federal, state and county levels, welcome the New York-based premier classical Chinese dance company.

From Feb. 8 to Feb. 14, Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company will perform seven shows at the California Center of the Arts in Escondido.

San Diego County Proclaims Shen Yun an American Success Story

Having watched last year’s Shen Yun performance, San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond sent a representative to present a proclamation at the theater on the opening day.

Desmond said in the proclamation that Shen Yun’s “interpretation of the essence of traditional Chinese culture gives the message of hope that disperses darkness.”

The proclamation highlighted the rapid growth of Shen Yun Performing Arts and praised Shen Yun as an American success story.

“Shen Yun’s mission of reviving the beauty and goodness of China before communism has inspired artists from all over the world to join; and has grown from one to eight equally sized companies, each with its own accompanying orchestra.”

“Shen Yun is an American success story in which hundreds of people work seamlessly towards a common mission and are guided by the values of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance–the tenants of Falun Gong.”

The proclamation also pointed out that “the Chinese Communist Party does not allow Shen Yun to perform in China because it is afraid that the Chinese people, upon watching Shen Yun, will reconnect to their cultural roots and see through the regime’s disguise.”

US Congressman Welcome Shen Yun

U.S. Congressman Scott Peters, representing the 50th congressional district in San Diego since 2013, has been sending proclamations to Shen Yun every year for the past few years. In this year’s proclamation, Peters said that “Shen Yun has maintained their mission to revive traditional Chinese culture and share it with the world since their humble beginnings in 2006 in New York and has played a crucial role in reviving and sharing the traditional Chinese culture with the San Diego community.”
Furthermore, Peters praised Shen Yun performances’ “symbolic of the revival of the beauty and virtue of China before communism.”

State Leaders Praise Shen Yun’s Mission

California Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones welcomed Shen Yun to San Diego for its 16th consecutive year of performances in the region, and honored Shen Yun Performing Arts for the outstanding community service, in which “tens of thousands of San Diegans have thoroughly enjoyed Shen Yun – the beauty of divine beings dancing.”

In a Certificate of Recognition, California State Assembly Minority Leader Marie Waldron praised Shen Yun’s “dedication to the revival of traditional values, the pursuit of perfection of artistry and the enrichment and betterment of the SD region and the world beyond through performing arts.”

Representing California’s 79th Assembly District since 2021, Dr. Akilah Weber sent her first Certificate of Recognition to Shen Yun, “the rich and vibrant Chinese history that you bring to the stage is truly a great contribution to our San Diego region. Your presentation of Chinese ethnic traditions, ancient legends, and cultural values enables the audience to become immersed, combined with the orchestra, allows for a transcendental experience. Thank you for sharing your art, talents, and history.”

California State Assemblyman Brian Maienschein once again welcomed Shen Yun for “showcasing the beautiful art of classical Chinese dance at the CA Center for the Arts in Escondido and for your commitment to the revival of traditional values and culture through the preforming arts.” Maienschein is “pleased to honor the SY 2023 world tour for helping improve our understanding of Chinese history and philosophy in our community.

Representing the 80th Assembly District in San Diego County since 2022, David Alvarez sent a letter to Shen Yun Performing Arts. In the letter, Alvarez commented “Shen Yun’s mission of bringing China’s rich history to live on stage.” He praised Shen Yun shows as “groundbreaking,” and that Shen Yun 2023 world tour will “bring cultural awareness to audiences worldwide, spanning more than 180 cities 20 countries and five continents.”
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