“Traditional China is just phenomenal, it’s beautiful, and that’s been lost. So I think having a show like Shen Yun that promotes that and preserves it is just one of the most important things you guys can be doing,” he added.
“It’s really interesting to watch the traditional dances. We don’t see a lot of that in the West, and so it’s a lot of fun to see the costumes and the performances, and just how strong these dancers must be to do the leaps and the tumbles. I’m really enjoying all of that,” Mr. Sharp added.
Classical Chinese dance is comprised of three components; form, bearing, and technique. The tumbling and flips seen in the dance are often likened to gymnastics and acrobatics but they actually originate from classical Chinese dance.
“It’s just incredibly impressive. It’s definitely worth coming to see,” commented Mr. Sharp.
Chinese Medical Practitioner Says Shen Yun Is ‘So Beautiful’

Mario Mancini practices Chinese medicine and has always been drawn to Chinese culture.
“They’re dancing around the world just making everyone aware that there’s something different than what people see today, which is the communist China,” he said.Shen Yun is dedicated to sharing a true Chinese culture to audiences—a “China before communism.”
“It really gives me the true depth of Chinese and the culture. And it’s just beautiful—just so beautiful,” Mr. Mancini said.
“I was just intrigued by it. So maybe that was the reason why I was here. I don’t know but I’m excited,” Mr. Mancini said.After Shen Yun’s inception in 2006, it has put on an all-new production every year. With 5,000 years of Chinese culture to draw from, Shen Yun will never run out of inspiration.
“It was very interesting. I just want to understand a little more. It’s the culture that I love. And I probably want to see it again,” Mr. Mancini said.