Retired Air Force Colonel Returns to See Shen Yun for the Second Time

Retired Air Force Colonel Returns to See Shen Yun for the Second Time
Charles Wood and his wife, Patsy, enjoyed watching Shen Yun at the Tennessee Theatre, Knoxville on Jan. 30, 2018. "The costumes, the talent, they defy gravity, the music is mesmerizing. I'm like, I'm really just at home ... Everything about the show is incredibly wonderful," said Patsy Woods. (NTD Television)

“This is the second time we have seen it. The first time we saw it, when they got started, in early 2006, 2007, we saw in Washington D.C. at the Kennedy Center ... And low and behold, you [Shen Yun] come here. So we bought one of the first tickets—we just loved the performance. It was absolutely outstanding.”

“It was vastly better than the Kennedy Center, back in 2006. It was wonderful ... And we love the message. We love the message that comes. I am a very spiritual person, and so is my wife. And we love the fact that the program emphasizes that.”

“I appreciate the fact that this program continues to show the plight of what’s happening in China, where the people who are unable to express their faith. So it is very important for us that we come and support you [Shen Yun].”

“We love ... the humor this time. That was excellent. And then on top of that, the last one we saw with the handkerchiefs, we’ve never seen anything like that before. We were mesmerized. It was wonderful.”

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