Renowned Pianist: Shen Yun’s Music is Innovative

Renowned Pianist: Shen Yun’s Music is Innovative
Internationally renowned pianist Lin Yifan attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Keelung Cultural Center Performing Hall in Keelung, Taiwan. (Chen Yurou/Epoch Times)

KEELUNG, Taiwan—On March 9, Shen Yun Performing Arts’s International Company performed their third show at the Keelung Cultural Center Performing Hall in Keelung, Taiwan. Renowned pianist Lin Yifan, who attended the performance on his second day after returning from Boston, pronounced the show innovative and full of depth.

Lin is a former colleague of Shen Yun Orchestra conductor Yohei Sato when both were members of the Boston Chamber Orchestra. He praised Shen Yun’s music and vocal soloists, adding that he appreciates the cultural depth that Shen Yun portrays through its performance.

Lin describes his experience watching Shen Yun as one of “great amazement.” He says that he had never attended a live performance like Shen Yun before, where legends and tales he knew from childhood were expressed through classical Chinese dance. He adds that, as some of the Shen Yun artists were his former colleagues, the performance was particularly special to him.

Synthesis of Chinese and Western Music is Innovative and full of Depth

“Shen Yun’s music is something new to me,” says Lin. “I grew up learning classical music, but Shen Yun’s synthesis of Chinese and Western music is a completely different experience. I have never seen a performance like this before.”

Lin went on to discuss the characteristics of Shen Yun’s music: “Although the Chinese suona and the trumpet are shaped similarly, they sound completely different. When the suona began playing and the orchestra accompanied its melody, I suddenly realized how different this music was. Listening to the music made me feel soothed but greatly amazed at the same time. It is a very intricate performance.”

Lin adds that Shen Yun’s music is “full of depth,” adding, “there were many dimensions to the music. The synthesis of Western and Chinese music did not clash; instead, the suona’s melody, the laughter of the monk character, and the special effects in the back—all of these things contributed to a fresh, new experience.”

Vocal Soloists Possess Expressiveness and Strength
Lin says about Shen Yun’s vocal soloists: “They are very expressive and full of strength. Although they sing in the bel canto style with a typical piano accompaniment, they are also communicating the heartfelt wishes of Shen Yun. Despite the performance style, they are singing in Chinese, which is another new experience for me.”

Shen Yun Presents Culture through Diverse Artistry
“It is very influential the way they present China’s 5,000 years of culture. We can feel the inner essence of their artistry through the vocal performances, the dances, and the choreography,” said Lin.

“Shen Yun’s production is very unique and full of meaning,” he said.

Lin Yifan is a Taiwanese pianist who premiered in Switzerland at the age of 4. In 2010, he was awarded the top prize at the 11th Grieg International Piano Competition in Oslo, Norway. Upon returning to Taiwan, he was awarded the New Taipei City Award by the New Taipei government. Besides performing, Lin also participates in various musical charity events as well as movies, operas, and musicals.

A Shen Yun Performance Is a Righteous Message

Having seen Shen Yun last year, Speaker Huang was adamant about booking the ticket with his own funds though some friends intended to offer him the most expensive tickets. He said, “(I) wanted to support Shen Yun’s artistic performance with practical action, so I booked the ticket with my own funds.”

Headquartered in New York, Shen Yun Performing Arts was established in 2006 by a number of superb dancers and musicians, with the mission to revive the 5,000 years of divinely inspired Chinese culture. Illustrating ancient myths, historical legends and contemporary stories.

Amazed by Shen Yun’s spectacular performance depicting the essence of the traditional Chinese culture through artistic forms, Huang Jingtai spoke highly of Shen Yun. He explained, “As arts are priceless, booking tickets with our own money still doesn’t show enough respect for Shen Yun.”

Mr. Huang praised the performance, saying “Shen Yun is a very important cultural and artistic event. Shen Yun’s lineup of programs and designs are updated each year. (I feel) the program this year is rather funnier and enjoyable. The style is slightly different. But it always brings surprises every year.”

In a short span of a few years, Shen Yun has grown from one company to four companies, which tour every year to over 100 cities in the five continents across the world. In the past eight years or so, millions of audience members have watched the performances.

Mr. Huang stressed, “(Shen Yun) has multi-faceted programs with exquisite dances, beautiful vocal performances, splendid costumes, and all the elements relating to aesthetics, art and culture. Every program has its own characteristics, and every actor plays a leading role.”

Speaking of the fact that Shen Yun has performed in Keelung City for three consecutive years and that it has brought a lot of vitality to this port city known for its rain, Mr. Hunag noted, “Every city should have its own unique artistic and cultural characteristic. Only by doing so can the city maintain its vigor and vitality. Otherwise, the city would be something made of concrete only. As a result, it would be great if Shen Yun could come to Keelung every year, so that people in artistic and cultural circles as well as the general public would be able to appreciate it.”

“In addition to artistic and cultural exchanges, Shen Yun can also help upgrade the overall level of the local arts and culture. In the meantime, what Shen Yun can truly help (local people) directly in profoundly yet gradually changing people’s mindsets, and making them become a better person,” he said.

“The performance has brought us righteous messages. Shen Yun performance is, in fact, a righteous message,” said Mr.  Huang.

Reporting by Chen Yurou and Virginia Wu, Li Yun and Bill Xu

Read the original Chinese articles: [1]  [2]

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006