On the evening of Jan. 6, Mr. Freidenfelds attended Shen Yun’s second performance at the Dailes Theatre in Riga. He praised it as “a great performance.”
Mr. Freidenfelds is a celebrated Latvian musician, radio and television host, director, DJ, and comedian. He has hosted the Latvian Music Recording of the Year Award ceremony four times and, together with the group “Labvēlīgais Tips,” has won the Year Award five times. He has also directed and participated in television programs.
As a versatile and award-winning artist, Mr. Freidenfelds was deeply impressed by Shen Yun’s performance. “I absolutely loved it! It was a brilliant production with a lot of hard work behind it. You can feel the artists’ passion. It’s a unique encounter with an exotic culture, truly extraordinary.”
Shen Yun’s orchestra blends the essence of Eastern and Western music, using powerful Western orchestral techniques to complement traditional Chinese melodies. Mr. Freidenfelds found this fusion to be “a perfect harmony.”
The elegant and colorful costumes of Shen Yun performers left a lasting impression on Mr. Freidenfelds. “These vibrant colors are uncommon for us Latvians, yet they looked so fitting and perfect on the performers.”
Shen Yun aims to revive traditional Chinese culture, spanning 5,000 years of divinely inspired heritage through dance. Mr. Freidenfelds agreed, “I believe dance itself originates from the divine.”
Mr. Freidenfelds shared that the performance gave him much to reflect on and left him inspired. He hopes the Shen Yun artists will “return to Latvia soon” and said, “I look forward to seeing the performance again!”