STAMFORD, Conn.—Andrea Ellis had just resigned from her corporate career to pursue a new chapter in the arts and found in an evening at The Palace Theatre seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts brought her renewed inspiration.
The performance brought up many moments of nostalgia, self-discovery, and inspiration for Ms. Ellis, who said as a Colombian she understands what a communist regime can do to destroy a culture and country.
In other moments, Ms. Ellis was swept up in the romance of classic Chinese fairytales, finding the devotion displayed by star-crossed lovers touching.
“It really touched me because it’s like understanding the culture and how their spirituality is very similar to my culture even though we are so far away,” she said.
The performance also reminded Ms. Ellis of her father and the meaningful lessons he imparted.
“I believe he is in heaven and he is still next to me. Even if he is in my heart, I have felt it. I am very spiritual,” she said. She appreciated the idea of heaven, enlightenment, and afterlife that the traditional culture in the performance touched on, which she felt was a reminder that there was more to life than the material.
“Even though cultural and political situations happen, still the spirituality is there for you to really ground yourself and succeed in life,” she said.