Radio Host Has Seen Shen Yun 6 Times: ‘It’s Getting Better and Better’

Radio Host Has Seen Shen Yun 6 Times: ‘It’s Getting Better and Better’
Jim Chong at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, on Feb. 2, 2023. (NTD)

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Although America is a young country, it is filled with people who carry the ancient heritage of their mother nation.

Founded in New York, Shen Yun Performing Arts is sharing 5,000 years of Chinese civilization with audiences around the world.
Jim Chong, a radio host, has seen the performance six times, and he shared his appreciation for Shen Yun putting on an all new production every year.
“It’s a great performance. I think it really always changes. It’s getting better and better. But I think it’s just unique how to integrate the screens and just the performing arts. It’s a highlight and the history of China and it is our culture. So how can we not just enjoy it?” said Mr. Chong.

The performance really struck a chord with Mr. Chong.

“It really does inspire me to remember where I came from. So always remembering when we drink anything [related to] water, to be appreciative of who put in the effort to dig the well. And I think it’s very exemplary here. We live in a great country, and we have great opportunities. And really, some people ahead of us put in the work, so we could have the privilege to enjoy things like this today,” said Mr. Chong.

Shen Yun’s dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, which has thousands of years of history. Some sports and other dance forms can also trace their origins back to classical Chinese dance, such as gymnastics and acrobatics.

“It’s covered a span of 5,000 years. It really lets me appreciate a lot of the performing arts, talking about how a lot of the moves from even other dances originated from the Chinese,” said Mr. Chong.

While society is focusing on the latest technology and other turmoils going on in the world, Shen Yun is for many a reminder to return to tradition.

I really appreciate the production. I really appreciate, especially in this day and time, how Shen Yun really is exemplifying a whole tradition.
Jim Chong

“I really appreciate the production. I really appreciate, especially in this day and time, how Shen Yun really is exemplifying a whole tradition—all of the Asian culture wrapped up in this incredible performance for the world to really enjoy,” said Mr. Chong.

Shen Yun uses stories from Chinese history as inspiration for its dances. Some of the dances also come from present-day China.
“I feel very privileged and honored. We know there’s a whole message like the one we just saw about the things that are happening in terms of human rights and the organ harvesting,” he said, referring to a story-based dance touching on the Chinese communist regime’s persecution of people of faith.

“There’s a serious message to it. But I feel very honored. It makes me grateful to live in this country, but also very humbled about things that are going on in China right now,” shared Mr. Chong.

Reporting by NTD and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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