Professional Educators See Great Educational Value in Shen Yun

Professional Educators See Great Educational Value in Shen Yun
Mark and Leslie Ybarra attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at the McAllen Performing Arts Center in McAllen, Texas, on March 2, 2025. Yeawen Hung/The Epoch Times

McALLEN, Texas—The McAllen Performing Arts Center teemed with excitement as Shen Yun Performing Arts took the stage on March 2. Mark and Leslie Ybarra were happy to experience China’s traditional culture at the matinee performance.

“I loved it, just the costumes, the traditions, the style. It’s amazing, it’s breathtaking. I love it,” Mrs. Ybarra, a special education teacher, said.

As professional educators, the Ybarras saw great educational value in Shen Yun’s presentation of “China before communism.”

“I always like to educate my students on different cultures from all over the world, and expose them to many different styles. And through dance, there’s so many different ways to express yourself. I really love that they’re able to keep their culture and express that through dance,” Mrs. Ybarra said.

Shen Yun’s soprano impressed Mrs. Ybarra. “It was amazing. She had an amazing voice, the soprano singer,” the teacher said.
Shen Yun’s production features stories brought to life through dance, a live orchestra featuring both Eastern and Western instruments, and a number of performances by Shen Yun’s virtuosos.

“I find myself often looking at [the orchestra] just play and I’m just getting immersed by the music and the sound and the instrument. So it’s beautiful,” Mr. Ybarra, an educational consultant for a university, said.

Shen Yun’s performers practice Falun Dafa, a meditation practice that teaches living in accordance with the values of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. Their mission is to revive China’s divinely inspired 5,000 years of traditional culture through the arts. Meanwhile, the communist regime in China persecutes and suppresses the practice of Falun Dafa today, and Shen Yun is banned from performing in China.

“I really like the fact that they haven’t lost their identity, their culture,” Mr. Ybarra said. “Regardless of what they have gone through, the persecution and whatnot, they still have found a way to revive that and keep it alive.”

“Yes, I agree,” Mrs. Ybarra said. “I think it was just tragic that they’re not able to express their culture in their own country but it’s just beautiful to see that they’re spreading it over here, that they’re able to share that here in our country.”

The couple offered encouragement to the performers to continue their mission.

“Keep doing what you’re doing,” Mr. Ybarra said. “This is shedding light on their culture to the rest of the world. It’s just a blessing to be able to see that with our own eyes and be able to see that they’re being able to express that through their dance.”

Mrs. Ybarra agreed. “Yes, just to continue to spread their culture and just to continue to open other people’s eyes to all the beauty that they have to offer through their dance,” she said.

Reporting by Yeawen Hung and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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