Producer of Italy’s Oldest Film House: Shen Yun Is so Perfect

Producer of Italy’s Oldest Film House: Shen Yun Is so Perfect
Guido Lombardo, who runs the film production company founded by his grandfather Gustavo Lombardo, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, in Rome, Italy, on March 19, 2018. Titanus has been operating since 1904, and has created hundreds of famous Italian films. (Mary Mann/The Epoch Times)

“Beautiful, wonderful. It gives you peace. ... The beauty, how natural it feels, the colors, and what they do—the precision of the movements.”

“I did musicals, but this is more beautiful—better than what I did.”

“[The orchestra] is fabulous, it [the combination of Western and Chinese instruments] seems natural, but it is not simple; yet you feel it’s natural.”

“[The divine inspiration in the production] is the reason why the whole thing is so perfect.”

“It’s exciting. Somebody told me go to see this show because it is not only dance, and now I can say I agree.”

“[The performance has a] good impact [on the society]—a very good impact.”

“You can see that [the dancers] live with [high] values, you can see that they don’t recite but live what they represent, and that makes the performance exciting.”

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