PORTLAND, Maine—Shen Yun Performing Arts performed at Merrill Auditorium in Portland on Feb 10.
As part of the receptive audience, John and Carla Lojek enjoyed the performance.
Mr. Lojek, a former commissioner of inspectional services for Newton City, Mass., said, “It’s spectacular, that’s what it really is.”
He was impressed with the talent. “I just think the breadth of their abilities. You know, there’s only so many performers and they have to perform so many things that it’s spectacular see them adapt and change, and the athleticism is outstanding,” he said.
He was happy to see stories of traditional China before communism. “It’s something that Americans don’t get exposed to much, which is a great thing to be exposed to the culture, the history, and the tradition of China. We have too many boogeymen in the world.”
The spiritual message came through the performance for Mr. Lojek. “Well, I didn’t expect it ... It’s wonderful.”
Mrs. Lojek appreciated how the hosts explained the acts. “We appreciate the guidance from the announcers between each of the acts as well, because I am not familiar with the history.”
It’s very helpful for an American audience to get an explanation of what they’re performing and why they’re performing it,” Mr. Lojek said.
‘Absolutely Phenomenal’
The Baumann family attended Shen Yun and appreciated the divine message coming from traditional Chinese culture.Michelle Baumann, a transmission line engineer and business owner, said: “I thought it was absolutely phenomenal—the artistic background of it, the dancers’ performances with the live orchestra, and telling the history of China before communism. It was just beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. I highly recommend it.”

Ms. Baumann also appreciated the spiritual message of the performance. “I think the message was beautifully done: The way that they related China’s previous history for thousands of years into what’s going on today.
“I also love the message about every human being from the divine, and being so intricately related with their Creator. I think that’s a message that needs to be spread. So I’m so glad they did it in such a beautiful way. It was incredible,” she said.
Ms. Baumann said how important it is that the message gets out. “I think it’s everything. I think telling people that they’re beautifully created and that they come from such a divine creator, and the Creator puts that distinct purpose on them as human beings.”
She said that we all have a purpose in life and this is “able to empower them to really live out the life they were destined to live. I think that message is just what the world needs to hear.”