Polish Audience Applauds Shen Yun’s Revival of Culture: ‘I Hope Nothing or Anyone Can Stop Them’

Polish Audience Applauds Shen Yun’s Revival of Culture: ‘I Hope Nothing or Anyone Can Stop Them’
Shen Yun performed at the Grand Theater in Łódź, Poland, on Jan. 19, 2025. The Epoch Times

ŁÓDŹ, Poland—On the evening of Jan. 19, Shen Yun Performing Arts performed its fourth sold-out performance this year at the Grand Theater in Łódź, Poland, where audiences were delighted by the beauty witnessed. The applause was something to behold, and Shen Yun took three curtain calls, returning the audience’s enthusiasm.

Wiola Wiśniewska flew from abroad to Łódź to watch the performance with her friends.

“It’s so worth it,” said Ms. Wiśniewska. “Shen Yun shows faith and love. It’s letting people know that its worth to have a belief in God ... it’s worth to be an honest and kind person, and it’s good to be helpful.”

Grand Theater in Łódź, Poland. (The Epoch Times)
Grand Theater in Łódź, Poland. The Epoch Times
Coming from Warsaw to Łódź to see Shen Yun were the Nasiadkos.

Piotr Nasiadko, president of the Global Trade and Education Company, his wife Danuta, daughter Mariana, and her boyfriend Bartosz Nowacki felt the performance unprecedented and inspiring.

“I was surprised by the perfection,” said Mr. Nasiadko. The family said they were familiar with what discipline and dedication a dancer needs, as Mr. Nasiadko and his wife had been part of a folk dance troupe for six years, and Ms. Nasiadko and Mr. Nowacki ran a Pilates studio.

“We loved it. We loved all the dancers and the very beautiful costumes. We also loved the music played by the orchestra and all the singers. I especially loved the sense of movement of the artists, and I admired everything they accomplished. I loved the whole show! Thank you so much for the great emotions,” said Ms. Nasiadko.

Mr. Nowacki said that he gained a lot.

“It was a wonderful journey,“ he said. ” I traveled to traditional China today, which is a very interesting experience, and enjoyed every part of it ... I received a powerful religious message – kind of like avoidance of the modern world, but coming back to the traditional values, to God and being good for each other. And not only focusing on material things but also on yourself and on [your own] soul.”

Bank branch manager Piotr Jędrzejec attended the performance with his wife Aleksandra, a bank regional manager, and son Mateusz, a pharmacist, and was deeply moved.

“Very beautiful. The most beautiful part was the choreography and technique,” he said.

Mr. Piotr Jędrzejec said he greatly appreciated Shen Yun’s portrayal of the traditional culture and innovative use of something modern like the patented animated backdrop to do so.

[I greatly appreciated] the way Chinese tradition and culture was shown, the costumes, and how they incorporated modern elements [the animated backdrop] with dance.”

He said he felt a connection and familiarity with what he saw on stage. After all, Poland had also experienced communist occupation.

“[There is a] convergence between our culture and Chinese culture. You can live anywhere in the world, anywhere, but you always long for home, for your homeland, for the place where you were born, for your roots, for your family place. It’s like returning, like birds to their family nest,” he said.

Mr. Piotr Jędrzejec expressed regret that the traditional culture Shen Yun seeks to revive is one the Chinese communist regime is still trying to “erase and ruin.”

“People must have roots. Roots. They need to have a foundation. The past must be connected to the present and the future,” he said.

The audience inside the Grand Theater in Łódź, Poland, on Jan. 17, 2025. (Xie Mu/The Epoch Times)
The audience inside the Grand Theater in Łódź, Poland, on Jan. 17, 2025. Xie Mu/The Epoch Times
He felt the artists lived the traditional values they sought to revive through art.

“Kindness, especially humility. Humility in the artists’ behavior. The humility with which you approach your profession, your work. Every gesture, in the gesture, in the behavior, in the music, you can see that humility,” he said.

“The strength with which the artists performed, especially in terms of technicality, the effort they put in, the energy they conveyed to the audience–the entire audience was delighted.”

“We were also impressed with the performance, the dance, the smiles of those artists in every movement, the fluidity, especially the ladies. They smiled beautifully throughout, the whole time they danced. They were beautiful, smiling, and they conveyed this warm energy to the audience,” he said.

Mrs. Jędrzejec found Shen Yun “exceptionally uplifting.”

“I am truly moved that there are still nations that channel their identity into art, into culture, and promote it worldwide,” she said. We are from different nationalities, but in my view, everything also comes from God, and who we are, and where we come from. This topic is very close to me.”

The performance evoked profound contemplation from Mrs. Jędrzejec.

“What came to mind during the performance is the path we walk through our behavior toward other people, our attitude, what we do, how we do it–it somehow builds our path to eternity, to God,” she said. She felt it beneficial to the world.

“I want to say to the artists, continue to follow this path, continue to combine their own culture, art and beliefs, and gods. I hope nothing or anyone can stop them, and they will develop better and better. The better.”

“I would like to tell the artists to keep walking this path, to promote their culture, their art in connection with faith, with divinity. And may nothing and no one ever stop them. And may their team grow ever stronger and larger.”

Mr. Mateusz Jędrzejec, a pharmacist, said he “felt a lot of positive emotions” watching Shen Yun and expressed support for their mission.

Before communism, we can see how great this culture is. I think this is very important, we should revive [tradition], don’t forget the Chinese tradition,“ he said. ”In Poland, we call China [the center of the world], and I think there is a truth to it, and people will know it if they see the show.”

“Without any tradition, we are like trees without roots. Removing the roots and culture would be tragic,“ he said, comparing it to turning future generations into smartphones devoid of character. ”It’s very important for all people all over the world to cultivate their culture, their own uniqueness.”

He hoped all would see Shen Yun.

“Come and watch this performance. This is the best way to understand the entire history and culture of this country,”

Mr. Mateusz Jędrzejec said.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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