LEIPZIG, Germany—If you waited until the last minute to purchase a ticket to Shen Yun Performing Arts in Leipzig, you would have been out of luck since tickets were sold out two weeks prior to Shen Yun’s arrival.
Dr. Hussein Hasham Jinah, visiting professor of philosophy and sociology and board member of the Federal Immigration and Integration Council, felt enriched after attending the performance.In Shen Yun’s opening piece, there is a great reverence for the divine. Divine beings are depicted as descending to the earth to establish a great civilization.
“We came from heaven, as people for God, so that we can honor God. Ultimately, our soul goes up,” said Dr. Jinah.
“I have seen many performances, but never anything so fascinating. That was a real enrichment,” praised Dr. Jinah.

Heike Hansen von Hardenberg, an art restorer, and Dr. Jens Bartram, traveled hundreds of miles from Kiel to see Shen Yun at the “magnificent” Leipzig Opera House.
“The trip was worth it,” they said after the performance. The tickets were a Christmas present from Dr. Bartram to his partner.
“It was exactly as I expected. All the colors, dancing, and music were beautiful,” said Ms. von Hardenberg.
Shen Yun’s artists are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world.
“The dance is extraordinary, fast, and rich in stories, which allows you to get to know Chinese culture a little better. I’m thrilled,” said Dr. Bartram.
Dr. Bartram noticed that the men and women on stage carry themselves differently. The women displayed grace, while the men displayed masculinity.
“The dancers are great, the men are fierce and strong, and the women are lovely,” he said.
“I really value traditions because it gives people support. Here, you can see how other cultures look at their culture with pride. That’s very inspiring,” he said.