Philadelphia Councilwoman Says Shen Yun Has Stories Everyone Can Relate To

Philadelphia Councilwoman Says Shen Yun Has Stories Everyone Can Relate To
Philadelphia councilwoman Cindy Bass attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Miller Theater in Philadelphia, Pa., on March 10, 2024. (Steve Wen/Epoch Times)

PHILADELPHIA, Pa.—Shen Yun Performing Arts performed at the Miller Theater on March 10 to an enthralled audience. Councilwoman Cindy Bass presented a citation to Shen Yun and expressed her high regard for the performance.

“I love the show,” Ms. Bass said.

Ms. Bass explained why the citation was given to New York-based Shen Yun from the city of Philadelphia.

“It’s very important that we know history, that we celebrate everyone’s culture, that we recognize how important culture is, and that we lift it up.

“The more we know about one another, the more we embrace, the more we are open to learning and understanding that our differences aren’t differences—we all have a lot of very similar backgrounds, histories, struggles, and challenges. We’re all one. And so that’s why [presenting this citation] is so important.”
Cindy Bass (R) presented a citation to Shen Yun Performing Arts from the City of Philadelphia. (Steve Wen/The Epoch Times)
Cindy Bass (R) presented a citation to Shen Yun Performing Arts from the City of Philadelphia. (Steve Wen/The Epoch Times)

Ms. Bass said she appreciated the colors in the performance as well as the talent of the dancers.

“I love the choreography and the beautiful colors. Everything was just so bright and vibrant, and that really does something to your soul. That really encourages and just lifts you up to see all these beautiful colors and the dancing, the movement, the acrobatics. It was just beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it before, and I’ve been to a lot of shows. But this was really something special,” she said.

The stories presented in the dances brought Chinese history to life. Ms. Bass said they were “excellent ... very well thought out, very easy to understand, and very timeless.”

These are stories that touch everyone, she said. These are “something everybody can relate to regardless of age, race, generation.”

Through classical Chinese dance and music, Shen Yun is sharing with the world the beauty of China’s authentic 5,000 years of history. Since its founding in 2006, the company has received worldwide accolades for its mission to revive traditional Chinese culture.

Ms. Bass said that freedom of belief is very important to her and was saddened that freedom of belief is oppressed in China.

“As a person of faith, faith is very, very important to me. And so I think that people deserve to have a faith and belief system in their lives. Regardless of how challenging it may be, having that foundation is just so important. Having a spiritual foundation is everything,” she said.

Beautiful Message

Ms. Bass said she resonated with the theme presented in Shen Yun that kindness will be rewarded, and evil punished.

“I believe that. I believe that in scripture and in our faith belief system that when you do right, good things come to you. When you do good, you get good. And when you don’t do good, it speaks for itself.”

She hoped that everyone would try to improve and help each other. “We all should be striving to be better individuals, people, citizens—that’s really what it’s all about. You know, help each other out. We have to reach out, each one teach one, each one help one. We can all be better for it.”

Many audience members have commented on the energy they feel during Shen Yun’s performance and Ms. Bass agreed. “I feel great energy. I’m ready to do a backflip, but I can’t. But if I could, I would. Yes, great energy,” she said.

Ms. Bass heartily recommended Shen Yun to everyone. She said it was “the best show I’ve seen in a long time. [It’s] something that’s really going to lift people’s spirits and that they have to come see.”

“It’s an experience. It’s more than just a show. It’s an experience.

“It’s wonderful. It was really very inspiring. It taught a lot of history—gave a lot of really good information. It was inspiring. I really can’t wait to tell people that they have to come back and see this show next year.”

With shows scheduled in over 200 cities and across five continents, the 2024 touring season is shaping up to be the artists’ busiest yet.

Ms. Bass expressed her gratitude for the experience. “Thank you so much for having me here today. It was really awe-inspiring. It was fantastic. And I can’t wait to come back and see it again. I'll get my tickets early next year. Absolutely.”

“I’m going to be back, I can tell you already. I know I’m going to be back next year. I’m going to bring family. I’m going to bring friends. Everybody has to see Shen Yun,” she said.

Reporting by William Huang and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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