Parma Theatergoer Appreciates Shen Yun Upholding Fundamental Values

Parma Theatergoer Appreciates Shen Yun Upholding Fundamental Values
Attilio Massa and his wife Laura Gadducci at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at the Teatro Regio in Parma on January 25, 2024,Leo Botna/The Epoch Times
PARMA, Italy—The Italian Renaissance was a time of new thought and marked the creation of some of the most renowned works of art. Likewise, Shen Yun Performing Arts can be seen as a renaissance of true, traditional Chinese culture.
“I really liked the message of light, of the divine, of spirituality. It was in the movements, in the voice of the singers, and in the dances,” said Attilio Massa, chief engineer in the Italian Navy, who came to the Shen Yun performance with his wife, Laura Gadducci.

Shen Yun is based in New York and its mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. China was once known as the land of the divine. Shen Yun strives to renew the faith that was destroyed with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took power.

“It is an invitation to reflect on the importance of believing in something higher and of bringing the roots back to what was antiquity. Communism destroyed a culture, not only in China but in other parts of the world,” said Laura Gadducci, a psychiatrist.

After the CCP came to power, the Chinese people lost their fundamental rights. They were denied freedom of speech and the free will to worship a higher power.

“Having faith and being able to believe in something, in my opinion, is a fundamental value,” expressed Mr. Massa.

In the eyes of the CCP, life is not worth much when its power is at stake. Mr. Massa shared that in Shen Yun’s performance, he saw that human life is the most valuable and that value should be upheld.

“We certainly need to preserve the value of the human being. Human life is the greatest value we have, so this is also a fundamental message,” he said.

Because of Shen Yun’s efforts to raise awareness of the CCP’s crimes, it is unable to perform in China.

“The act of preventing cultures from expressing themselves has also been repeated in other parts of the world. And it is time to put an end to it,” said Ms. Gadducci.

As a psychiatrist, Ms. Gadducci often uses music to help her patients. Shen Yun also shared the ancient belief that music is medicine and that in the past, music was used to heal before considering the use of medicine.

“It was nice that they explained that one of the first forms of medicine was music. I work with frequencies and sounds, so I use it as therapy every day. I resonated with what they said on stage,” she said.

Shen Yun’s orchestra harmoniously blends instruments of the East and the West. The ensemble is the first in the world to have traditional Chinese instruments as permanent members in a Western orchestra setting.

“They were very good. They were always on point throughout the show,” said Mr. Massa.

Ms. Gadducci shared that she felt gratitude to the artists while the curtain was coming down for the last time.

“I thank all the artists and the orchestra. I also did it while the curtain was closing; I said thank you to the spirit of each of them,” said Ms. Gadducci.

Francesca Maria Girmenia at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Teatro Regio on Jan. 23, 2024. (NTD)
Francesca Maria Girmenia at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Teatro Regio on Jan. 23, 2024. NTD

Francesca Maria Girmenia attended Shen Yun on the afternoon of Jan. 23. Hailing from Rome, Ms. Girmenia owns a real estate agency.

She was struck by the beauty of the Shen Yun’s dancers and her first impression was magical.

“The first impression is that of harmony, grace, and emotion. They are magical, beautiful, I like it very much,” said Ms. Girmenia.

Shen Yun’s dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most athletic and expressive dance forms in the world.

“The sets, the delicacy of the colors, the acrobatic ability of the dancers are remarkable, really remarkable,” she said.

Chinese history is 5,000 years long but today’s people only know of the past century, of what China has become after the CCP took power.

“We come from our history, from our roots. So keeping the roots is a mission which deserves great respect,” said Ms. Girmenia.

Reporting by Leo Botna, NTD, and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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