‘My Mind Is Very Clear Now’: Japanese Executive Wants to Attend Shen Yun Again

‘My Mind Is Very Clear Now’: Japanese Executive Wants to Attend Shen Yun Again
Mr. Nishimori Yosiyuki, a department director of a taxi company, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater, in Nagoya, Japan, on Jan. 30, 2023. (Lu Yong/The Epoch Times)

NAGOYA, Japan—A Japanese executive said Shen Yun is amazing, enriched his heart, and gave him energy, after attending the performance at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater in Nagoya on Jan. 30.

“My heart is very calm, and my mind is very clear now. I strongly felt that we should not lose to evil,” said Mr. Nishimori Yosiyuki, a department director of a taxi company.

He said he felt positive energy from Shen Yun continually during the show, and he was inspired and understood from the performance that people should be kind to each other and safeguard this kindness.

“The dances have strong influential power. I want to recommend my friends to attend and obtain this positive energy,” he said.

Mr. Nishimori said he was touched by the beauty of Shen Yun.
The live orchestra’s performance can shake our souls.
Nishimori Yosiyuki

“The dancers are extraordinary. They must have received very strict training. The live orchestra’s performance can shake our souls. The most fantastic part is the orchestra coordinates with the dancers perfectly,” he said. “Shen Yun is amazing!”

Mr. Nishimori said the two hours passed by very quickly, and he wanted to see the performance yet again.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company, and has a mission to show the beauty and goodness of “China before communism.” For 5,000 years China’s civilization was built on values and virtues from the spiritual teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.


Dermatologist Mr. Ikeno Hiroshi and his wife attended Shen Yun together on Jan. 30, after Mrs. Ikeno attended and was amazed by Shen Yun on Jan. 29.

“I can’t wait to attend Shen Yun again,” said Mrs. Ikeno. The couple had already seen Shen Yun twice. “Shen Yun is great!”

Mr. Ikeno echoed his wife and said: “My heart is purified by Shen Yun. It’s magical. I was very moved.”

“The dances are first-class. The dancers’ expressions are first-class,” Mr. Ikeno said.

“The male dancers are masculine and valiant. They are full of power and extremely manly. They are majestic,” said Mrs. Ikeno. “Their smiles and facial expressions are so natural and matched with the stories perfectly.”

Mrs. Ikeno believed that the Shen Yun dancers truly love the arts and dance. “It’s impossible to reach this level if a dancer dances for money. They must have a passion and enthusiasm for the arts.”

Mr. Ikeno was impressed by the dancers’ flexibility and abundant physical strength. “I have never seen a dance like Shen Yun in Japan. This is fabulous! I’m so glad that we’re here.”

The couple liked Shen Yun’s music too.

“It’s beyond my imagination that the erhu can play such tuneful sounds,” said Mr. Ikeno. The erhu is a two-stringed instrument, and Shen Yun’s virtuosos can transform the erhu into a vehicle of joy, sorrow, grace, or tenderness.

The Ikenos felt they were lucky to attend Shen Yun because this is the last performance of Shen Yun in Japan this season.

“I really appreciate Shen Yun! It’s wonderful. I was very moved. Thank you very much, Shen Yun!” said Mr. Ikeno.

Every year, Shen Yun puts on an all-new production, including new choreography, music, costumes, and backdrop sets. Next season in Japan, the Ikenos will watch a new production.

Mr. Ikeno Hiroshi, a dermatologist, and his wife attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater in Nagoya, Japan, on Jan. 30, 2023. (Zhang Ying/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Ikeno Hiroshi, a dermatologist, and his wife attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater in Nagoya, Japan, on Jan. 30, 2023. (Zhang Ying/The Epoch Times)

Divine Inspiration

The name “Shen Yun” means the “beauty of divine beings dancing.” Mr. Iwata Yasuharu, the president of a welfare company, felt divine nature in Shen Yun’s performance.

“Shen Yun’s programs made me ponder things deeply. I thought, there must be a Divine Being in the universe, and we should respect Him,” he said. “There are so many things in the world that we couldn’t do by our human hands. So, I felt that the Divine Being is looking after us and taking care of us.”

Mr. Iwata enjoyed the erhu as well.

He said: “It’s obvious that the virtuoso played the music accurately, using her heart. She managed very well where she should play softly, and which part she needs to play forcefully. She delivered the emotions astutely, in which we audiences can hear the sounds as well as her messages and sentimentalities.”

Each Shen Yun performance consists of nearly 20 vignettes, presenting the virtues like loyalty, propriety, wisdom, justice, and benevolence—values that are universal and shared the world over.

Mr. Iwata said he received these values from the music and story-based dances.

“The performance is very touching. It’s amazing!” he said.

Reporting by Epoch Times Staff in Nagoya, Japan.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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