Musician Was Emotionally Impacted by Shen Yun

Musician Was Emotionally Impacted by Shen Yun

“It was absolutely amazing when the dancers emerged from the [digital] backdrop onto the stage. I need to learn more about that. I wonder, how could they appear at the right second, the right moment.”


“It was formidable and awe inspiring.”


“The music was for me the most formidable, especially listening to the two string instrument, the erhu. I can only say again, outstanding.”


“I was very impressed by the singing technique. I asked myself, how can a human have such strong breath control. The tenor was awesome.”


“The songs made me realize that we rise out of the earth, or dust, and return to dust. This told me that we have come from the heavens and will return to the heavens. My mind told me that this was the relationship.”


“There was so much to take in, to see, to hear and feel. My mind is filled with pictures, the choreography, the music and how it affected my mind. I most likely will dream about the Shen Yun performance tonight.”

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