Missouri Official Commends Shen Yun’s ‘Uplifting’ Message

Missouri State Rep. Ben Keathley was among the audience watching Shen Yun Performing Arts in St. Louis on Saturday. He presented a resolution passed by the state Legislature honoring the New York-based performing arts group.
“It’s a pleasure to be here at the Stifel Center Theatre for another one of your performances,” Mr. Keathley said. “I’ve been long looking forward to coming to one of these and happy to be here today with all of you and present you with this resolution on behalf of the Missouri House of Representatives and Speaker of the House John Patterson, along with Reps. Holly Jones, Justin Sparks, Tara Peters, and myself, Ben Keathley.”
Through classical Chinese dance and live orchestral music, Shen Yun brings China’s 5,000 years of culture and history to life on stage. Audience members were impressed by the artists’ energy and the message of their performance.

“Beautiful, fantastic, yes, just incredible,” Todd Sweet, a manager at the U.S. Defense Department, said. “You could feel the passion and the emotion from both the dancers and the orchestra.”

Ashlee Berry, an annual fund director, said, “We are in the second row, and the energy from the dancers coming off the stage is just palpable. You can just feel it. And the music is absolutely gorgeous. It’s so beautiful.”

“It was very nice. I really appreciated all of the performance and how much effort they have to put into the training and all of the history that goes along with it,” retired Colonel Ed Gruetzemacher said.

“The message that they’re trying to get across is that the culture is there and it’s being suppressed ... it'd be nice if people knew more about their culture from back in the last several millennia.”

His wife, former health foundation vice president Jean Gruetzemacher, said the experience of Shen Yun was “unbelievable ... I mean, they are athletes as well as artists, so I can’t say enough about them, and obviously very motivated and very dedicated to their craft.”

“We were amazed by the beauty, the music, and more importantly, the message—the message of freedom and love of creation, love of God. So that was what really touched us from this show,” Mr. Sweet added.

“I think the American people need to stand with the people who are fighting against the communist governments, both in China and in North Korea and other places around the world.”

“It’s so enchanting. And it really carries you away into a far-off place,” Ms. Berry said.

“Thank you for bringing your message to the United States; a message of uplifting, of health, and escaping oppression, and everything that your group, the companies, and your theatre performance bring in that message to the world, not only the United States and all you go through to bring that message to all of us. And we very much appreciate all your work, and we wish you all the best of luck,” Mr. Keathley said.

“I think it’s fantastic. I’m going to encourage all my friends and family to come see this show if they have the opportunity,” Mr. Sweet said.

“You did a wonderful job, and please keep it up, and we'll be back,” Mr. Gruetzemacher added.

“We'll definitely come again. It was inspiring. It’s just beautiful, so everyone should come and see it,” Mrs. Gruetzemacher said.

Shen Yun will perform in Utah, California, New Jersey, and other areas of the United States from March 19 through 23.
NTD News, St. Louis, Missouri
NTD is a media sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts, covering audience reactions since 2006.

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