CLAREMONT, Calif.—Watching Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Bridges Auditorium at Pomona College on March 9 with a group of friends were Brent and Elizabeth Jones, presidents and missionaries for a church.
“The artistry was absolutely fantastic,” said Mrs. Jones. “The beautiful colors, the costuming. The whole thing was just such a beautiful production. I loved the level of training. I can appreciate that, you know, what they went through and the beauty that, you know, the energy that they had.”
Mrs. Jones, who is also a former professional dancer, was impressed by the discipline and expertise she observed in the dancers’ movements.
“You can see through every movement, and you can see the energy that they use that goes out through their fingers and arms and every movement that they do,” she said. “I really appreciate what they were doing, what they [were] portraying and just how beautifully they did it.”
“I love the transition from the stage back to the production,” said Mr. Jones. “It was so creative.”
“The background, the scenery … They used everything that they could to put into this to tell such a beautiful story,” said Mrs. Jones.
According to the Shen Yun website, China was once known as “the land of the divine,” and its people believed that their culture was a gift from the heavens. However, since the Chinese Communist Party seized power, the close connection the Chinese people had with the divine was severed and replaced with atheist ideologies. Luckily, Shen Yun honors the spiritual elements of traditional Chinese culture in its performance and keeps it alive.
Shen Yun’s program also includes songs performed in the traditional bel canto style. The lyrics urged a return to tradition, which Mr. Jones was very appreciative of.
Shen Yun’s website also shares that Shen Yun’s dancers “are also spiritual seekers,” and that they “believe that cultivating the heart is the way to create art that is beautifully sublime.” Mr. Jones said that he could see that the performers were special.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.