Mexico City Audience Loves Shen Yun’s Presentation of Chinese Culture

Mexico City Audience Loves Shen Yun’s Presentation of Chinese Culture
Guillermo Ortega Ruiz at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Auditorio Nacional on May 5, 2024. NTD

MEXICO CITY, Mexico—Coming to the largest city of Mexico, Shen Yun Performing Arts entered the huge Auditorio Nacional and put on six magnificent performances.

“I think it’s wonderful. The music is spectacular. The dance is marvelous,” said Guillermo Ortega Ruíz, director of El Financiero Television.

Shen Yun is based in New York, and its mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization.

“This journey through ancient China and current China—it seems to me that [Shen Yun] guides us through the Eastern culture,” said Mr. Ortega Ruíz.

Through dance, Shen Yun portrays the beauty of Chinese culture, as well as the unfortunate present situation under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“Until very recently, I knew about Falun Dafa, and the truth is that I feel very moved. I am a man of freedom, and to know about persecution, intolerance, censorship, it hurts me,” said Mr. Ortega Ruíz.

Falun Dafa is an ancient Chinese discipline of mind and body that promotes the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. However, it has been heavily repressed in China by the Communist Party, which tortures and subjects practitioners to forced organ harvesting while they are still alive.

Mr. Ortega Ruíz shared that seeing Shen Yun has filled his soul and brought him peace.

“The truth is that after seeing and listening, I leave with a peaceful spirit and a full soul,” he said.

Shen Yun shares universal values such as devotion, humility, and love with its audiences. These values used to be embedded deep in Chinese culture.

“They are messages that can be understood by a man of my age but also by a small child,” remarked Mr. Ortega Ruíz.

Shen Yun’s music highlights ancient Chinese instruments such various percussion instruments and the pipa. But the instrument that really impressed Mr. Ortega Ruíz was the two-stringed erhu.

“It is incredible what she can do with a small resonance box and two strings. She took us through a journey of music and evoked so many emotions,” he said.

Lydia Rendón at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Auditorio Nacional on May 2, 2024. (Lily Yu/The Epoch Times)
Lydia Rendón at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Auditorio Nacional on May 2, 2024. Lily Yu/The Epoch Times

Opera singer, actress, and music therapist, Lydia Rendón, was in the audience on May 2.

“A highly artistic performance like Shen Yun is simply a gift to myself. It is the best gift to my eyes, whole body, and soul,” she said.
As a fellow performer, Ms. Rendón shared her appreciation for not just the dancers but all the supporting roles behind the scenes.

“When I sing an opera on stage, I feel like a star, one of many stars in this bright starry sky. It is obvious that Shen Yun’s performance cannot be achieved without the silent dedication and support of many people behind the scenes, so it can be so perfect,” she said.

Shen Yun’s dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world.

“I came here because of Shen Yun’s dance. I have always loved singing and dancing performances,” said Ms. Rendón.

Classical Chinese dance has four main components; bearing, form, dance technique, and tumbling techniques. Ms. Rendón was particularly impressed with the men’s jumping and tumbling.

“Their high level and perfect performance were deeply impressive. The somersaults and jumps in the men’s dance are so exciting,” she said.

Aside from enjoying the superb dance, Ms. Rendón also saw an exemplary way to be human.

“I learned from the performance that you should not judge others easily; just look into their eyes and be grateful for their existence. We come to this world with a mission, and we should do some meaningful things,” she expressed.

Ms. Rendón shared that in Chinese culture, she saw universal values. She believes that if everyone could live by these values, the world would be entirely different.

“Human beings are programmed this way. We need to find each other, live in harmony with compassion and kindness, and not judge anyone at will. No matter which country we come from, we are all people with the same soul,” she said.

Shen Yun’s performance shares the belief that we were all once divine and that by bettering ourselves, we can find our way back.

“We are all gods and were once perfect. When we come to this world, we must improve our physical and mental standards. No matter what the environment, even in adversity, we must remain kind and be good people,” shared Ms. Rendón.

Reporting by NTD, Lily Yu, and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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