Mayor Feels Shen Yun ‘Transcends the Cultural Barriers’

Mayor Feels Shen Yun ‘Transcends the Cultural Barriers’
Mayor Angela Evans enjoyed the Shen Yun Performing Arts evening performance at the Adelaide Festival Centre, on Feb. 13, 2018. NTD Television

“I particularly enjoyed the beautiful costumes … and I particularly like the integration of the technology with the dancers as they pop from the screen, up from the stage and then continue their performance.”

“But simply the stories … each of those stories have a really strong message that even though it’s not spoken in words, it’s communicated really well through dance and movement.”

“This is an energetic and passionate representation of the life of people in the past and it’s a commitment to telling that story as authentically as they can but in a way that can be received by people that haven’t lived it and perhaps don’t understand the cultural context as well. Dances like that transcend words. It transcends the cultural barriers that we often have between us and it’s a very relatable form of telling a story.”

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