LAS VEGAS—Ryan Smoke, a designer, and Jocelyn Tan, an administrator, watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts on March 1.
Shen Yun’s program includes story-based dances, some of which are set in modern-day China and depict the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of followers of faith. Mr. Smoke said that seeing the depiction of the persecution reminded him that “we’re very blessed to be here and to live here [America] and definitely don’t take it for granted.”
“That was really cool,” he said. “That was definitely a surprise. [It was] really interactive and cool to see how it evolved over the course of the show too and how they used it.”
The choreography and the dancers’ athleticism and techniques impressed Mr. Smoke as well.
“The height that they were getting on some of those flips was insane,” Mr. Smoke said. “They’re very graceful and beautiful. I think the integration of the costumes was really cool too. Like the flowy-ness of a lot of the garments and the sleeves [were] unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
“In terms of faith and believing in a Creator, [we] of course appreciate anything that ties to that,” Mr. Smoke said. “In a world that [has] a culture that does not value that idea, it’s definitely cool to see that.”