KC Sisters Find Shen Yun ‘A Doris Day Look Back in Their Day’

KC Sisters Find Shen Yun ‘A Doris Day Look Back in Their Day’
Two sisters, Chandra Mercer [L] and Denise Timberlake thoroughly enjoyed the Shen Yun dance performances at Kauffman Center. Cat Rooney/Epoch Times

KANSAS CITY, Mo.—Two Kansas City sisters found the matinee performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company at Kauffman Center, on March 29, to be impressive, elegant, and classy.

Ms. Denise Timberlake, a retired U.S. postal inspector was impressed with everything about Shen Yun dancers who took the audience on a journey of 5,000 years traditional culture, a culture almost destroyed by communist rule.

“I’m impressed,” she said. “The costumes, of course, were beautiful. I’m in a sorority so my favorite colors are pink and green, and there’s a lot of that. But, the embroidery, the embellishment, the hairpieces and the headdresses, and everything were beautiful, including the men’s outfits.

“So men are men and women are women—that was beautiful,” she exclaimed.

Ms. Chandra Mercer, also a KCMO postal employee, was equally awed by Shen Yun. “I enjoyed the use of the different tools, the drums, and the costumes with the different colors. I think that really added to the performance and that was wonderful.”

Her sister agreed. “I like how the women were just, as they said, the women were women. And, they are elegant and have style,” said Ms. Timberlake.

“A Doris Day looked back in their day,” added Ms. Mercer and her sister agreed.

Shen Yun made Ms. Timberlake feel “elegant, pretty, good to be a girl” and Ms. Mercer, “good to be a lady, classy.”

Ms. Timberlake explained, “The beauty of women being pretty—then, of course, ..., in the temples … the women with the little heels which were really not heels, ..., and they scooted and they leaped, and they jumped, and it was beautiful.”

She was referring to the dance, Ladies of the Tang Palace, which exemplifies the spirit of China’s mightiest dynasty, as stated in the program book.

Ms. Mercer related to the Shen Yun’s mission of revitalizing the traditional culture. “I think it’s a way for us to see their background, their culture, their history, because I don’t know too much about Chinese history. So, that’s a good thing, dancing is a good thing, and the way they tell their stories is good.” Her sister agreed.

Both sisters said they would recommend Shen Yun to family and friends. “Yes, come and enjoy and see the beauty and colors and dance,” said Ms. Timberlake.

Ms. Mercer replied, “See another culture, see how other people live, how other people perform, and see a different life.”

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006

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