Japanese City Councilor Is Enthralled by Shen Yun’s Stories

Japanese City Councilor Is Enthralled by Shen Yun’s Stories
Kondo Yukari, Councilor of Kashiwazaki City in Japan's Niigata Prefecture, enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company’s performance at Japan’s Saitama on the evening of Jan. 13, 2020. The Epoch Times

SAITAMA, Japan—When Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company performed to a full house at the Omiya Sonic City in Japan’s Saitama on the evening of Jan. 13, 2020, one of the enthusiastic audience members was Kondo Yukari, councilor of Kashiwazaki City in Japan’s Niigata Prefecture.

Having seen a Shen Yun performance a couple of years ago, the city councilor still vividly remembers Shen Yun’s exquisite interpretation of authentic traditional Chinese culture by means of classical Chinese dance and bel canto. She thereby decided to take time out of her busy schedule to see Shen Yun show again, when knowing that Shen Yun would perform in Saitama.

Kondo Yukari highly praised the magnificent performance rich in stories.

“I enjoyed the meaningful stories behind each piece and their dramatic effects,” she said. “They are so lively that I was truly fascinated by the performance.”
She was especially touched by a dance drama depicting Falun Gong adherents’ steadfastness in their belief when under adverse circumstances. “[The drama] demonstrates their perseverance and strong will power,” she said. “The beautiful ancient traditions and morality are implied in the program. This is something that touched me most.”
According to Shen Yun Website, “Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company, established in New York in 2006. It performs classical Chinese dance, ethnic and folk dance, and story-based dance, with orchestral accompaniment and solo performers. For 5,000 years, divine culture flourished in the land of China. Through breathtaking music and dance, Shen Yun is reviving this glorious culture.”

Seeing that Shen Yun aims to revive the 5,000 years of authentic, divinely-inspired Chinese culture, the city councilor said she further gained insight into the meaning of life. “I’ve further understood the importance of honesty and conscience,” she noted.

“In a nutshell, it is truly marvelous and very touching,” she said. “These performers’ skill level is so high that their movements are in great unison. And their synchronization is perfect.”

Kondo Yukari admired Shen Yun performers’ devotion and dedication and said that Shen Yun’s success does not come by chance.

“One minute on the stage needs 10 years practice off stage,” she said, referencing an old saying. “I can tell every dancer should have gone through persistent learning and repeated practicing, so that they are able to have such an outstanding performance.”

She was totally enthralled by the performance of the erhu solo.

“Listening [to the erhu solo] can calm our minds, so it is the wonderful sound that can soothe our souls,” she explained. “

Additionally, she was deeply touched by the bel canto vocal solo performance. “Shen Yun’s lyrics are very inspiring,” she said. “When we read the lyrics line by line, we can be truly moved.”

With reporting by Billy Shyu.
The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time and has covered audience reactions since the companys inception in 2006.

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