‘It was the whole package!’ Says Author

‘It was the whole package!’ Says Author
Shelley Peterman Schwarz was impressed at Shen Yun Performing Arts a Madison's Overture Hall, Wednesday, May 8. (Maureen Zebian/The Epoch Times)

MADISON, Wisc.—Shen Yun Performing Arts continued to warm the hearts of audience members as it graced the stage for the second night of its two-day run at Overture Hall, Wednesday, May 8.

This was the first time that attorney David Schwarz and his wife Shelley Peterman Schwarz, a health care author had seen classical Chinese dance. Mr. Schwarz expressed his appreciation for the world-renowned show saying it was, “A very interesting cultural trip through China!”

Classical Chinese dance is one way in which 5,000 years of Chinese culture have been passed down and retained. New York-based Shen Yun travels the globe on a mission to revive this cultural treasure that was nearly lost.

“The energy, and the athleticism, and the beauty. It was the whole package!” said Shelley Peterman Schwarz.

She was impressed by the depth of the programs and elaborated, “I was just taken away by all the costumes, the scenery, the lighting, the whole concept ... and the music. Everything was amazing! It was great!”

Mr. Schwarz was saddened but not surprised to hear that Shen Yun could not be performed in China.”

Ms. Peterman Schwarz was pleased that the Shen Yun artists were traveling the world and sharing their traditional cultural heritage. She was deeply touched by the message of freedom she saw in the performances.

“I like the spirit of freedom and that they were surviving and thriving and trying to keep their culture alive even though it is suppressed where their homeland is. They are trying to bring out the beauty and the culture,” she said.

Reporting by Maureen Zebian and Jeanmarie Lunsford

Shen Yun performs in Chicago for Mother’s Day weekend, May 10-12.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.