‘It touched my heart’

‘It touched my heart’

“I feel choked up. I have compassion, hunger for their history, and how hard they work to perform so beautifully for us. … It touched my heart.”


“[I get] the inspiration that I can be humble, kind, and have heart like they do, their feelings, their emotions—if I could have that within me as they presented it onstage. And that’s why I can’t stop cheering for them. They’re beautiful.


“The most emotional [piece] is when they were going through their times when they were persecuted by the communists. That touched me because I know how much they lost, and how much they have to heal inside for all that they’ve been through.”


“I just appreciate their performance and how they present it for everybody. It’s time, it’s work, it’s effort. And they’re so on-time. They work together.”


“Words can’t express how they perform, words cannot express it. This is my third time [watching Shen Yun].”


“I don’t know how to present how much I love what they do and how they have the intelligence to do all this to present it to the people. They did a marvelous job. Words cannot explain more than marvelous. I thank God that they gained such intelligence to do this. I’m so grateful that they had the intelligence to be able to bring this together. I’m so choked up, I really am.”


“When that [the last piece] came on, it gave me the hope and feeling that there’s more in the heavens for us. When we pass away we don’t really die. We’re going to have a better life in a more awesome, radiant, heavenly [way] than we can even imagine, and they made it almost so real, almost like this is what to expect.


“It gives us hope that there’s a better beyond. It’s a better life that we all will be one. It’s awesome, beautiful work.”


“I’m 81 years old and I’m glad to see it, and I hope to live to 100 to see more. I'll tell everyone to come.”


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