IT Executive Finds Shen Yun to Be Eye-Opening and Thought Provoking

IT Executive Finds Shen Yun to Be Eye-Opening and Thought Provoking
Rodney Emlet at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Miller Theater on March 14, 2024. (NTD)

PHILADELPHIA—While Shen Yun Performing Arts is certainly captivating and entertaining, Rodney Emlet, an IT executive for commonwealth of Pennsylvania, found it to also be something worth discussion and eye-opening.

“Spending the time here is not only an [experience] that you can enjoy and appreciate, but it’s something that you can take with you outside of the show to think about and to discuss with other people, and it just kind of opens your eyes. So highly recommend,” said Mr. Emlet.

Shen Yun is based in New York, and its mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese culture. The stories in Shen Yun’s performance are mostly lighthearted and humorous, while others address more serious issues seen in today’s society.

“It’s amazing. It pivots so well from humor and comedy to more serious tones, things that make you think and question things. It’s very thought-provoking,” commented Mr. Emlet.

Shen Yun’s dancers are trained in classical Chinese dance, one of the most expressive dance systems in the world. Without uttering a single word, the dancers are able to bring classic stories from Chinese history to life.

“My wife teaches and has done ballet and traditional theater dance and salsa dancing. And so she was super excited to come. I’ve never been to this show before, and it’s been amazing. It’s such a transformative experience. Without any words, you can hear what the performers are saying, and you feel like you’re a part of the story,” said Mr. Emlet.

China before communism is what Shen Yun strives to present. Most people forget that China was once a place where dynasty after dynasty, emperors ruled the land instead of the current communist regime.

“I appreciate the show introducing this cultural thing that exists that I don’t think a lot of people in the United States may be aware. So I think the show does a good job of opening up people’s eyes so that when they leave the show, they can look more into that if that’s something that they want to know more about,” shared Mr. Emlet.

Mr. Emlet also expressed his appreciation for the Masters of Ceremony who provided a brief introduction to each dance.

“It’s really nice. In between each of the sets [the emcees] explain the different traditional dances and what influenced those dances and the culture. It really kind of helps immerse you into the story. And with the different costume changes and the orchestra, the beautiful music that’s accompanying all the pieces, it’s just amazing,” he said.

Mr. Emlet also praised Shen Yun’s dancers and musicians for the dedication and their flawless execution.

“I can’t imagine how much work goes into the performance. Everything is flawless. The music is flawless. And it’s just such a joy. You can see the emotion, the dedication, the expression in the performers’ faces,” he said.

Such a moving performance should be shared. Mr. Emlet recommends Shen Yun to everyone.

“Everybody should come see the show. Even if you’re not a person that typically goes to a traditional dance or theater,” he said.

Reporting by NTD and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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