Invited 14 Clients to Watch the Shen Yun Performance

Invited 14 Clients to Watch the Shen Yun Performance

“I was fascinated and deeply impressed with the choreography, synchronization, colors and music. It was perfection.”

“The members of a Chinese association told me that I should not miss the Shen Yun performance in Winterthur. Actually I was so impressed that I invited 14 of my clients who are as impressed with the show as I am.”

“Shen Yun is one of a kind and one needs to tell people that one could not describe it with mere words, that one has to see it.”

“I am fascinated by the Chinese culture, by the history of that country. It is exciting to see the show from the historical perspective, as least a fraction of the history.”

“The combination of color and art was amazing, and the accompanying music was wonderful.”

“It was liberating to hear the music, see the colors, and then watch the flowing movements—this can open one’s eyes.”

“Such a show, that communicates a flow, just as the flow of a river, is exhilarating, and suggests that one look for a river. That was amazing—this is something that one will carry in one’s heart.”


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